"You can stay for dinner if you like."

"Sorry, no."

She smiled and left. Nagle nodded after her. "She's a physicist." And added nothing more.

Dance told Nagle the latest details in the case and explained that she was pretty sure Pell was staying in the area.

"That'd be crazy. Everybody on the Peninsula's looking for him."

"You'd think." She explained about his search at Capitola, but Nagle could contribute no insights about Alison or Nimue. Nor did he have any clue why the killer had been browsing a satellite photo site.

She glanced at the box he'd prepared for her. "Is there a bio in there? Something brief?"

"Brief? No, not really. But if you want a synopsis I could do it, sure. Three, four pages?"

"That'd be great. It'll take me forever to pull it together from all of that."

"All of that?" Chuckling. "That's nothing. By the time I'm ready to write the book, I'll have fifty times more notes and sources. But, sure, I'll gin up something."

"Hi," a youthful voice said.

Dance smiled at Sonja in the doorway.

An envious glance at the agent's figure, then her braid. "I saw you looking at my drawings. When you came in?"

"Honey, Agent Dance is busy."

"No, it's okay."

"Do you want to see them?"

Dance sank to her knees to look at the sketchpad. They were pictures of butterflies, surprisingly well done.

"Sonja, these are beautiful. They could be in a gallery on Ocean in Carmel."

"You think?"


She flipped back a page. "This one's my favorite. It's a swallowtail."

The picture was of a dark blue butterfly. The color was iridescent.

"It's sitting on a Mexican sunflower. They get nectar from that. When I'm at home we go out into the desert and I draw lizards and cactuses."

Dance remembered that the writer's full-time residence was Scottsdale.

The girl continued, "Here, my mommy and I go out in the woods and we take pictures. Then I draw them."

He said, "She's the James Audubon of butterflies."

Joan appeared in the doorway and ushered the child out.

"Think that'll do any good?" Nagle asked, gesturing at the box.

"I don't know. But I sure hope so. We need some help."

Dance said good night, turned down another dinner invitation and returned to the car.