"Sure it's the same McCoy?"

"The real McCoy, you mean. I've been waiting to say that. Yep. Good old Social Security. With a parole board backup."

Dance called Directory Assistance and got Ronald and Sarah Starkey's address and phone number.

"San Jose," O'Neil said. "That's close enough." Unlike the other two women in the Family to whom Dance had already spoken, Samantha could have planted the gas bomb this morning and been home in an hour and a half.

"Does she work?" Dance asked.

"I didn't check that out. I will, though, you want."

"We want," O'Neil said. TJ didn't report to him, and in the well-established hierarchy of law enforcement the CBI trumped MCSO. But a request from Chief Deputy Michael O'Neil was the same as a request from Dance. Or even higher.

A few minutes later TJ returned to say that the tax department revealed that Sarah Starkey was employed by a small educational publisher in San Jose.

Dance got the number. "Let's see if she was in this morning."

O'Neil asked, "How're you going to do that? We can't let her know we suspect anything."

"Oh, I'll lie," Dance said breezily. She called the publisher from a caller ID-blocked line. When a woman answered, Dance said, "Hi. This is the El Camino Boutique. We have an order for Sarah Starkey. But the driver said she wasn't there this morning. Do you know what time she'll be getting in?"

"Sarah? I'm afraid there's some mistake. She's been here since eight thirty."

"Really? Well, I'll talk to the driver again. Might be better to deliver it to her house. If you could not mention anything to Mrs. Starkey, I'd appreciate it. It's a surprise." Dance hung up. "She was there all morning."

TJ applauded. "And the Oscar for the best performance by a law enforcer deceiving the public goes to . . ."

O'Neil frowned.

"Don't approve of my subversive techniques?" Dance asked.

With his typical wry delivery O'Neil said, "No, it's just that you're going to have to send her something now. The receptionist's going to dime you out. Tell her she's got a secret admirer."

"I know, boss. Get her one of those balloon bouquets. 'Congratulations on not being a suspect.' "

Dance's administrative assistant, short, no-nonsense Maryellen Kresbach, walked into the room with coffee for all (Dance never asked; Maryellen always brought). The mother of three wore clattery high heels and favored complicated, coiffed hair and impressive fingernails.

The crew in the conference room thanked her. Dance sipped the excellent coffee. Wished Maryellen had brought some of the cookies sitting on her desk. She envied the woman's ability to be both a domestic powerhouse and the best assistant Dance had ever had.

The agent noticed that Maryellen wasn't leaving after delivering the caffeine.

"Didn't know if I should bother you. But Brian called."

"He did?"

"He said you might not have gotten his message on Friday."

"You gave it to me."

"I know I did. I didn't tell him I did. And I didn't tell him I didn't. So."

Feeling O'Neil's eyes on her, Dance said, "Okay, thanks."

"You want his number?"

"I have it."

"Okay." Her assistant continued to stand resolutely in front of her boss, nodding slowly.