“If they’re standard, they’d be fourteen-inch Invacare 3.00-8 foam filled. Also known as flat free, or solid tires.”

“I believe that’s correct.” Well, the man had done some homework. And when had the lawyer’s private eye been spying on Rhyme?

“And Invacare is known for quality products for the disabled, aren’t they?”

“Objection,” said Sellars. “The witness is not an expert on acorporation’s reputation. Besides, what’s the point of this line of questioning?”

“I’ll withdraw the question about quality products, Your Honor. I’m getting to my point now.”

“Very well. With some vivace, perhaps.” The judge was known to be an opera fan.

“Of course, Your Honor. Mr. Rhyme, do the tires on that wheelchair perform to your satisfaction?”

“Well, yes.”

“Including good traction?”


“Do you think that’s because of the deep tread?”


“Mr. Coughlin, if you want to introduce the wheels into evidence, make your motion.”

“That won’t be necessary, Your Honor.”

Of course it wasn’t. The jurors had all gotten a look at the treads, which were deep. The lawyer had made his point.

“Mr. Rhyme, how long would you say it takes your aide to clean those treads?”

“Probably twenty minutes.”

“Forbothof them?”

“That’s right.”

“Ten minutes each.”

“That’s what the math would say.” Getting a few smiles himself.

“I’ve read your treatises, Mr. Rhyme. You’ve written that trace evidence adheres like glue to hands, feet, hair. And can be so small that it’s virtually undetectable without special equipment like powerful microscopes. Is that correct? Those are your words, are they not?”

“Yes, but—”

“Now, you made a reference to the AFI’s Committee of Area Contamination Guidelines. Isn’t it true that those guidelines deal exclusively with the issue of DNA contamination?”

Rhyme paused. His eyes met the prosecutor’s. “This is correct.”

“They say nothing about other substances?”

“No, though by following them—”

“Mr. Rhyme, please. The guidelines were not meant to address other forms of trace evidence analyzed in the lab. Is that a true statement?”

“It is,” Rhyme muttered.

Coughlin’s eyes lit up. “If you knew that the guidelines applied only to DNA, why would you cite them as proof of your diligence in handling the trace evidence against my client?”