Sachs wanted to be sure the woman had no idea she'd been busted.






After a suitable pause: "I am," he told Royal Bahamas Police Force assistant commissioner McPherson. "Thank you for asking. We're packed and will be en route to the airport shortly." Rhyme's mobile was on speaker.

The time was 8 a.m. and Rhyme was in the living room of the hot and oh-so-humid motel suite. Thom and Pulaski were sitting on the veranda, sipping coffee, in the company of two more chameleons.

A pause. "May I ask a question, Captain Rhyme?"

"I suppose." He sounded put out. Tired. Prisonerish.

"I am perplexed by one thing you said."

"What was that?"

"You said you wished us luck in the murder investigation of the American student."


"But the young woman died in an accident. Drinking and swimming."

Rhyme let several seconds of silence build, as if he were confused. "Oh, I'd be very surprised if that were the case."

"How do you mean, Captain?"

"I don't really have time to discuss it, Commissioner. We have to be at the airport soon. I'll leave it to you to--"

"Please...You really think the student was murdered?"

"I'm sure of it, yes."

The conclusion that the student's death was a murder had occurred to him while enjoying conch fritters in the Hurricane Cafe and looking over the gruesome crime scene photos. He had, however, decided to refrain from offering his thoughts to Corporal Poitier just then.

The assistant commissioner said, "Go on, please."

"Go on?" Rhyme asked, sounding perplexed.

"Yes, tell me about your thoughts. They're intriguing."

We let the bread bake...

"Be that as it may, I have to get to the airport. Good luck again, Assistant Commissioner."

"Wait! Please! Captain Rhyme, perhaps I was somewhat hasty yesterday. It was an unfortunate incident that happened at Clifton Bay. And Corporal Poitier was, after all, acting insubordinately."

"Frankly, Assistant Commissioner, my experience has been that in our line of work the best results are often achieved by the most insubordinate."

"Yes, perhaps that's true. But could you just give me some thoughts about--"

Rhyme said quickly, "I might be able to help..." His voice faded.