A sigh. "This is going to cost you big-time." The aide pulled the jacket on and lay down on the floor.

"Wait, get the dog out of there," Rhyme called. Jackson the Havanese had jumped out of his box, apparently thinking it was playtime. Cooper scooped the dog up and handed him to Dance.

"Can we get on with it? No, zip up the jacket. It's supposed to be winter."

"It is winter," Cooper replied. "It's just not winter inside."

Thom zipped the jacket up to the neck and lay back.

"Mel, put some aluminum dust on your fingers and then drag him across the room."

The tech didn't even bother to ask the purpose of the exercise. He dipped his fingers in the dark gray fingerprint powder and stood over Thom.

"How do I drag him?"

"That's what I want to figure out," Rhyme said. He squinted. "What's the most efficient way?" He told Cooper to grab the bottom of the jacket and pull it up over Thom's face and drag him that way, headfirst.

Cooper pulled off his glasses and gripped the jacket.

"Sorry," he muttered to the aide.

"I know, you're just following orders."

Cooper did as Rhyme told him. The tech was breathing heavily from the effort but the aide moved smoothly along the floor. Sellitto watched impassively and Kathryn Dance was trying to keep from smiling.

"That's far enough. Take the jacket off and hold it open for me."

Sitting, Thom disrobed. "Can I get up off the floor now?"

"Yes, yes, yes." Rhyme was staring at the jacket. The aide climbed to his feet and dusted himself off.

"What's this all about?" Sellitto asked.

Rhyme grimaced. "Damnit, the rookie was right and he didn't even know it."


"Yep. He assumed the fish trace was from the Watchmaker. I assumed it was the victim's. But look at the jacket."

Cooper's fingers had left traces of the aluminum fingerprint powder inside the garment, in exactly the places where the soil had been found on Theodore Adams's jacket. The Watchmaker himself had left the substance on the victim when he was dragging him in the alley.

"Stupid," Rhyme repeated. Careless thinking infuriated him--especially his own. "Now, next step. I want to know everything there is to know about fish protein."

Cooper turned back to the computer.

Rhyme then noticed Kathryn Dance glancing at her watch. "Missed your plane?" he asked.

"I've got an hour. Doesn't look good, though. Not with security and Christmas crowds."

"Sorry," the rumpled detective offered.

"If I helped, it was worth it."

Sellitto pulled his phone off his belt. "I'll have a squad car sent round. I can get you to the airport in a half hour. Lights and sirens."

"That'd be great. I might make it." Dance pulled on her coat and started for the door.

"Wait. I've got an offer for you."