Sachs spun around, hand on her Glock, a half draw from the holster.

I'm never this edgy, Rhyme. It's all your fault.

Several men in coveralls were standing at the yellow tape. She walked up to them cautiously and checked their picture IDs. They matched the men's faces. Her hand slipped off the gun.

"They hose the place down every night. If you're looking for something. Thought you were."

"High-pressure hose," another one added.

Great. Every bit of trace, every footprint, every fiber sloughed off the Dancer was gone.

"You see anybody here last night?"

"This have to do with the bomb?"

"Around seven-fifteen?" she persisted.

"Nope. Nobody comes up here. These hangars're deserted. Probably gonna tear 'em down someday."

"What're you doing here now?"

"Saw a cop. You are a cop, right? And just thought we'd have a look-see. This is about that bomb, right? Who did it? Arabs? Or them militia shits?"

She shooed them off. Into the microphone she said, "They cleaned the taxiway last night, Rhyme. High-pressure water, looks like."

"Oh, no."


"Hey there."

She sighed, turning again, expecting to find the workmen back. But the new visitor was a cocky county trooper, wearing a blocked Smokey the Bear hat and razor-creased gray slacks. He ducked under the tape.

"Excuse me," she protested. "This is a secure area."

He slowed but didn't stop. She checked his ID. It matched. The picture showed him looking off slightly, a cover boy on a men's fashion magazine.

"You're that officer from New York, right?" He laughed generously. "Nice uniforms they have down there." Eyeing her tight jeans.

"This area's sealed off."

"I can help. I took the forensics course. Mostly I'm highway detail but I've got major crimes experience. You have some hair. Bet you've heard that before."

"I really will have to ask you--"

"Jim Everts."

Don't go into first-name territory; it sticks like flypaper. "I'm Officer Sachs."

"Big hubbub, this. A bomb. Messy."

"See, Jim, this tape here's to keep people out of the scene. Now, you gonna be helpful and step back behind it?"

"Wait. You mean officers too?"

"That I do, yes."

"You mean me too?"