Page 31 of Jaded (Jaded 1)

day. The coffee didn't help."

I noticed the glitter that shimmered off of her curls.

"You look nice," I said honestly.

Startled, Mena looked up and I saw a flicker of guilt flash in her eyes. It was quickly gone and replaced with appreciation.

"Thanks," she mumbled.

She did look nice. She was dressed in a white cashmere sweater with a bow-tie that circled the bottom swell of her breasts and tied in the back. Though her jeans were simple, they were stylish and rich. The girl looked like she came from money and she did. Her lips were frosted pink and her eyes were highlighted by white eye-shadow that gave her an innocent, yet knowing look. The boys would go crazy.

Chapter 13

When we arrived at the party, Harris stumbled over to us. He wore a shirt with eight vertical strips of blue tape on it. After he greeted us drunkenly with beer-sloshed arms and a slur in the eyes, I regarded him, "Let me guess. The eight pieces of tape are for the eight drinks that you've had."

His smile exuded booze, but it was still blinding. Harris was a very good looking boy with ruby-red lips that would never need to be touched-up by a camera. His golden locks were misted almost perfectly with sweat. The drunk look worked for him.

"No, no. Eight beer bongs." That was said so matter of fact.

"Where's the rest of the gang?"

Harris shifted and gestured towards the backyard.

"Thanks, Harris." I patted him on the arm and winked at Mena. Harris was busy skimming her figure up and down while she stood in place, self-conscious.

She looked about to say something, but I was quickly swallowed in the crowd.

Harris' entire backyard was crawling with other students. Most stood in smaller groups and cliques, talking and drinking. Some couches had been placed around a bonfire near the patio and I saw Corrigan sitting there with Bryce beside him. Collette Chantal sat on the arm of Bryce's couch. Her legs weren't crossed over his, but her knee rested against him.

It should've enraged me, right?

It didn't.

"Sheldon!" Corrigan's face lit up as he threw his arms in the air. "Come here, girl!"

Corrigan was feeling pretty good. Bryce looked a little glazed over too, which surprised me a little. Even though he drank, he rarely got drunk.

That could not be said for Corrigan.

Collette stayed in place with a look of defiance on her face when she saw me approaching.

Corrigan threw an arm around my waist and I was tipped into his lap.

Uncomfortable, I managed to crawl out from underneath Corrigan's suddenly exploring hands. He managed a few grabs until I finally—accidentally—placed my knee over a certain anatomical organ of his.

As he sucked in his breath from the pain, I moved to the middle.

Collette was eyeing me with disdain by this time.

Bryce had been watching the show in amusement.

"You look rested," he murmured.

"I am. I slept all day."

Corrigan whooped. "That just means you can party all night, Shell!"

I had nothing better to do and just to piss off Chantal, who now had her hand on Bryce's arm; I grinned slyly and raised myself to capture Bryce's lips in a melting kiss.

Bryce's hand moved around and swiftly deposited me in his lap.

I wrapped an arm around the back of his neck and let it hang loose as we continued kissing.

When we pulled apart, Corrigan had an enraptured look on his face.

Chantal was suddenly cramped, but she held firm and didn't leave. I had to give the girl some credit for that.

Bryce kissed me again and asked, against my lips, "Are you okay?"

"I'm fine." I feathered him with another kiss and then stood up. "But I need a drink."

One of the guys stumbled to his feet from his haste. "I'll get you one. Stay. Please."

The other guys were grinning like idiots.

I sat back down, but I moved in between Corrigan and Bryce this time.

"Hey, Corrigan, I brought who you wanted me to bring."

"Who's that?" So many girls, too little time. Mena had already been forgotten.



Bryce chuckled and murmured, "Going for number two, Corr?"

Corrigan licked his lips and salivated. "I just might be." He jumped up and asked, "Where is she?"

"I left her at the door with Harris. You better go quick."

And off he went with a little stumble here and there, but he made it through the door upright.

"What happened with Becky? Where'd she go?" Tatum asked, materializing on the other side of Chantal.

"She took off," Chantal said coolly as she flipped her golden hair back.

Tatum asked, amused, "She took off or she got off?"

The guys laughed and Chantal rolled her eyes. "Get another joke, Tatum."

"Whatever," he shrugged and sat beside me. "How you doing, Sheldon?"

"I'm good, Tatum. How are you?" I responded, reserved. He was in a weird mood. He was normally scary, serious, and/or bored. Right now, he was joking, smiling, and alive. "Are you high?" I asked and leaned forward.

Tatum gave me a weird look and replied, "No. Why. You got something?"

"Sheldon Jeneve on drugs. That's new." Acid dripped from Chantal as she sneered at me.

"Tsk, tsk, Chantal." I grinned. "Showing me your teeth just shows me how big your bite is."

She rolled her eyes and sniffed, "Whatever, Sheldon. You know, Becky's right about you."

"About me? Enlighten me, please." This was starting to get interesting.

"She says that you've slept with everyone. The only reason you're friends with Bryce and Corrigan are because you sleep with them."

"That's it?" I was actually disappointed. "No threesome? No kinky behind the back doggy stuff? Nothing except that I sleep with everyone?"

"You can have a threesome with me, myself, and I," Tatum suggested and patted my knee.

"Sounds like you're doing just fine by yourself. There's no room for me in that threesome."

Tatum frowned.

Bryce laughed.

And I was pretty sure Chantal was still figuring out the math.

Mena rushed up to us. "Please help me."

She squeezed in between Tatum and myself and let out a deep breath.

"Help you from what?" Chantal asked as she readjusted her top. Her boobs got bigger and the guys all watched.

"Corrigan," Mena exclaimed. "He doesn't stop."

"Let's not tell the police that," Bryce said dryly.

Mena flushed and mumbled, "You know what I mean."

"Where's your psycho brother?" Bryce leaned forward to see her better.

Mena shifted underneath his scrutiny.

I watched Bryce intently. I wasn't sure I liked where this might be heading.

"What do you mean?" Mena asked.

"I mean, where's your brother? I have a hard time believing he'd want you to hang out with Sheldon."

Chantal's interest piqued as she stopped moving her halter top around.

"What is it with family members not liking me?" I joked.

Amusement flashed across Bryce as he pointed out, "Luca likes you."

"Luca is a fourteen year-old boy. If he didn't like me, we'd know he likes the other side."

"Good point." He looked back at Mena. "Seriously. Is your brother going to show up here tonight? Does he have GPS attached to your phone or something? Is he going to show up at Sheldon's tomorrow morning?"

I tensed. I really didn't like the idea of people at my house anymore. Or myself being there alone when an angry brother showed up.