Page 13 of Jaded (Jaded 1)

smirk cockily when he was hustled from the back holding area. They took off his handcuffs just before he was allowed his personal items and moved through the gate.

"Hey," Corrigan greeted us both with a hug.

Bryce thumped him on his back while I punched him in the stomach.

"Ow," Corrigan grunted, feigning pain, but he grinned a second later and wrapped me in another big hug.

We trailed back out to the car in silence and I took the backseat.

Once we were inside, he asked Bryce, "So did you…?"

Bryce flexed his knuckles in response and let out a hiss in pain.

"Man," Corrigan whistled. "You did him good."

I rolled my eyes in the back, but remained quiet.

Corrigan twisted in his seat and asked, excitement in his eyes, "Wanna hear about the chase?"

I groaned, but a chuckle slipped out.

"They could've shot you, Corrigan," I pointed out.

"Nah, man," he laughed. "When they cornered me, I got out all slow with my hands in the air. It was awesome, but they were rough when they cuffed me."

Bryce asked, "They pull their guns?"

"Yeah. A few. They put 'em away quick though when they realized I was just a kid. I bonded with my arresting officers. I was cracking jokes on the way to the station. And I told them all about Chad, what he did."

"What?" Bryce asked sharply. "Why the hell did you do that?"

"They said they'd keep their eyes out for him."

"Man," Bryce groaned. "If they go over there, they're going to want him to press charges against me."

"What? Nah." Corrigan shook his head, but a cautious look flashed across. He laughed again and exclaimed, "No way. Yerling won't say a thing. He knows what'll happen if he does."

"What is this? Like Fight Club?" I mumbled.

"Yes," Corrigan answered while Bryce replied, "No."

They glanced at each other and shared a meaningful look.

Corrigan corrected himself, "I mean, it's not anything like Fight Club."

"Right," I scoffed in disbelief.

"The first rule: no one can talk about it. The second rule is: no one can talk about it. And the third rule is: if they do, they're out. Did I get it right?"

"It's not like that." Bryce met my eyes in the rearview mirror. "Yerling's pulled some other stunts lately. He just needed to be put back in his place. That's all."

"Let's grab some food. I'm starving." Corrigan pointed at the closest fast food and we trudged inside.

One of the girls whispered to her friend behind the counter and soon two additional employees were at the counter.

I groaned when Corrigan literally licked it up.

I sat at a nearby booth and waited as the two morons got their food. Bryce grabbed a soda for me, but neither moved for a moment when their food had been placed on their tray.

I marched up and grabbed the tray. As I moved past, I bumped shoulders with both of them on purpose.

"Hey," Corrigan protested when he spilled his drink.

"Oops," I deadpanned.

Bryce came to sit beside me on my side of the booth. Corrigan sat, inhaled his food, and grabbed the rest of his burger. He stood at the counter while he finished it and his drink.

Bryce relaxed against the booth and slid an arm on the back. He purposely stretched and slid his leg beside mine.

"Stop," I murmured.

Bryce chuckled and leaned closer to me. He whispered in my ear, "It'll be fine."

I shrugged him off.

Bryce frowned and asked, "What's wrong with you? You're usually up for this stuff."

I was, but I acted like a 'girl.' That pissed me off more.

"Nothing," I mumbled.

"What? Is it Yerling?"


"Is it what Steele said to you?"


"Oh." He got it. "It's the counselor thing."

I tensed beside him.

He leaned closer and pressed a kiss underneath my ear.

I relaxed slightly and closed my eyes when his hand slid onto my leg. He massaged just inside my thigh before he continued his exploration around my neck. I hung my head down, helpless and turned so he could capture my lips with his. I felt his fingers dip inside my pants and murmured, huskily, "If you wanted to take my mind off that, its working."

Bryce chuckled and his breath teased my skin.

"Let's go. Now," I breathed.

Bryce shot up. "Corrigan, we're leaving."

Corrigan finished talking with one of the girls and jogged over with a suggestive smirk. "You two go on. I'm going to grab a ride home with this girl."

Bryce and I looked over and saw that she was giggling with another friend. They both blushed when they realized they were the center of our attention.

In the car, Bryce kept a hand on my leg. It stayed in place.

When we pulled into my driveway, I hit the garage opener on my keychain and Bryce pulled his car beside my mom's Chrysler. Mine was still parked outside.


We were startled when a figure spoke up from the driveway's darkened edge, but she stepped forward and the light shone over Mena's strained face.

Bryce swore.

I let out a breath I'd been holding when I murmured, "Mena. What are you doing here?"

It was almost midnight.

"My brother came and talked to you, didn't he?" she asked, anxious.

"Uh…yeah." We moved inside and into the kitchen. Mena followed and perched on the stool she'd earlier occupied. She hugged herself.

"I knew he would." She shook her head. "He's just being an overprotective brother, but he doesn't understand anything."

Bryce frowned at me. He nodded towards the kitchen table, but I shook my head. He went to the fridge and grabbed a beer before he disappeared upstairs.

"Wow," Mena breathed out.


"Bryce Scout. Wow."

"Are you serious? Your brother is Denton Steele."

"And my brother is my brother," she replied, dryly. "Believe me. I don't see the allure."

Let's hope not.

"Uh…" I shifted uncomfortably. "I've had a really long night, so…"

"Right. Cut to the chase." Mena nodded. "I can do that."

I relaxed slightly.

"Here's the thing…my brother thinks I'm this innocent little girl. He doesn't want me to be as worldly as you. That's a load of crap. Denton just wants to shelter me from all the bad stuff in this world and he thinks that you've seen more than your fair share."

Um… This was nearing a 'near emotion' event.

Mena proceeded, unaware, "I am a little sheltered. I'll own up to that, but he thinks that I haven't even had sex. That's not true. I've had sex with lots of guys, he just doesn't know about any of them."

"He seemed pretty sure that you hadn't had sex with your boyfriend."

"Because I hadn't," Mena said bluntly. "Justin was Denton's errand boy. He told him everything. Justin and I never went further than kissing on the lips."

Ewe. I cringed and asked, "He asked your boyfriend if you guys…?"

"Yeah. He was like Denton's spy. I figured it out pretty quick and realized that Justin was the perfect cover for me to live my life my way."

I sucked in my breath. This talk was really becoming too uncomfortable.