“Maybe in your normal government job, but not at the FBI. Administrative leave is a mark so black you can kiss your entire career good-bye.”

“That’s one way to look at it.”

“It’s the only way to look at it. Three of my direct bosses were in that meeting, and in their eyes I’m done.”

“Well, they’re not the only people who matter in this town.”

Wilson balled his fists in frustration. “You don’t get it. They’ve already determined that this bullshit with the Swiss banker is an attempt by a hostile foreign intelligence agency to destabilize the CIA.”

“I don’t believe that,” Ferris scoffed.

“They sounded pretty convinced, and to really make sure I understood, they brought Kennedy into the meeting. Do you know what she did?”


“She pulled out a copy of my national security nondisclosure document and threw it in my face. Told me if I so much as talked to anyone about any of this she’d make sure I went to jail.”

“She’s bluffing. They’re all bluffing because they’re scared.”

“Miller doesn’t get scared. He’s been running the FBI for four years, and he might be a lot of things, but a shrinking violet is not one of them. If he thought this stuff on Rapp and Rickman was legit, he would go after them until they were behind bars. He’s seen something. Somebody showed him something that convinced him all of this information is bullshit.”

“Probably falsified by Kennedy. She’s not afraid to operate that way. How do you think she holds on to power?”

A thought slapped Wilson in the face, and he turned to Ferris and asked, “Where did you get your information about Rapp and Rickman?”

“From a very well-placed source.”

“Sure you did. Who’s the source?”

“I don’t like your tone,” Ferris said with a steely stare.

A crazy laugh rumbled up from Wilson’s bowels. “That’s the best you can do? You get me all worked up and I jump on this for you and now my career is in the toilet and the best you can do is tell me you don’t like my tone? Well, fuck you very much, Senator.”

The senator’s face flushed with anger. He was clearly not used to anyone speaking to him in this way, let alone a public servant. “Joel, I can help you, but

you need to trust me and you need to keep your calm. Good God, man! I thought you were a professional. This is the first quarter of this little game and you’re acting like it’s over.”

“Well, from where I’m sitting, it pretty much is over.”

“It is not, and get hold of yourself.” Ferris tossed the dog back onto Wilson’s lap. “I have yet to hold a single hearing. When I do, Kennedy is going to have to answer a lot of questions, and you will be my star witness. She will regret the day she threw that document in your face.”

Wilson wrestled with the dog. “How can you be so sure?”

“As I’ve told you, I have my sources. You need to trust me.”

Wilson shook his head. “You’re going to have to do better than that. I’m the one drowning here, while you’re sitting on the Lido deck sucking down some fruity drink. I need some reassurances. Part of my review is going to be a lot of questions about how I was pointed in this direction . . . questions that will eventually lead to you. At this point, if you want me to play ball I need some confidence that I will be proven right.”

Ferris rubbed his index finger along his lips while he thought about it. After a few seconds he said, “I cannot tell you who my source is, but he is a very high-ranking government official of one our staunchest allies. Someone of impeccable character.”

“Will this person testify if called on?”

“God, no. Don’t be a fool. That’s not how this works.”

“So I’m the only person who’s putting his career on the line? This other person gets to make accusations and play it safe?”

“Don’t be naïve. This person would lose everything. He brought the information to me as a favor.”

“That’s not going to do me any good.” Wilson was feeling more and more isolated. Rapp and Rickman and who knew how many other scumbags, and that bitch Kennedy, were all guilty as hell, but Ferris and this mystery informant weren’t exactly exuding courage. “This is bullshit.”