“Not very serious?”


She wasn’t sure if she could believe him even though he sounded sincere. “So what do you want out of this?”

Kassar looked nervously at Rapp and said, “My life.”

“That’s a good start, but you surely have other hopes and aspirations?”

“I don’t think Pakistan is really an option for me anymore.”

She understood. “What about America?”

Kassar got a faraway look in his eye. “America would be nice.”

“And what do you think of Mitch’s plan to go in and get Mr. Rickman and General Durrani?”

“Get them . . . you mean we are taking them with us?”

Rapp intervened. “She means kill.” Rapp didn’t want this any more complicated than it already was.

“I think it’s a good plan.”

“All right.” Kennedy stared at him for a long time and finally said, “Vazir, I don’t treat my people like General Durrani. If you do a good job on this, and everyone makes it out alive, I will make sure you are taken care of. I might even have a job for you, but only if you want it. If you don’t, we’ll set you up with a new identity and some money and you can start your life over. Does that sound good?”

“Yes.” Kassar nodded. “It sounds very good.”

“Okay.” Kennedy pointed at the flexcuffs and nodded to Rapp. “No more need for these.”

After Rapp had cut the plastic cuffs with his knife, Kennedy shook Kassar’s hand and said, “Good luck, Vazir, I look forward to getting to know you better when you return.”

Rapp followed Kennedy off the plane and walked her across the tarmac. They stopped midway between the two planes, where Rapp asked, “What’d you think?”

“It’s impossible to know someone’s heart after talking to him for a few minutes.”

“Yeah, I know, but what’s your impression?”

“I think he’s worth the risk.” Kennedy looked back at Rapp’s plane and then added, “But if he makes one wrong move, if you get even the slightest whiff, I want you to put him down. Are we clear?”


“Good.” Kennedy kissed him on the cheek. “Good luck and don’t do anything stupid.”



KENNEDY entered Air Force General Ahmed Taj’s office with Mike Nash, who had flown in from Bagram. She had briefed him on Kassar back in the embassy’s secure conference room. Taj, Durrani, and Nassir were all decked out in their military uniforms, while Ashan was in a suit. Kennedy was pleased to see that Ashan was there, but noted that he did not look well.

The office was a grandiose affair, left over from the Brits, no doubt. It was easily four times bigger than Kennedy’s. The walls and ceiling were paneled in a dark wood and there were three large stone fireplaces. Bookcases dominated every wall and there were two flat-screen monitors, one by the large conference table and the other one by Taj’s desk. Taj and his three deputies were standing near the fireplace to their right. Kennedy walked over and said hello to each man.

When she got to Ashan she said, “Nadeem, I am sorry to hear of your difficulties. One of the things I would like to clear up today is your situation.”

“It’s a travesty,” Durrani announced passionately.

Kennedy looked at the Judas to her left. She had had ample time on the plane to review the entire Rickman affair and analyze the various motives of Rickman and Durrani. As for Rickman, she had a few guesses about why he’d decided to become a traitor, but Durrani was clear-cut. He wanted Taj’s job and he wanted Ashan and every other moderate out of his way. He would use Rickman’s information to bolster his status, and within a year or two he would be running the ISI and all of its clandestine operations.

Taj stepped forward with a pained expression on his face. “Director Kennedy, I must caution you. Nadeem is only here as a favor from our president to yours. He no longer works at the ISI and has no official capacity here today.”