She moved her lips away from his and offered her cheek. “It appears everything is worki

ng just fine down there.”

Nash nodded enthusiastically. “Let’s go upstairs.”

“You’re going to have to wait.”

Nash let out a long groan. “I love you,” he moaned.

“I love you too.”

Charlie began to giggle and smile.

“That’s right,” Maggie said. “Mommy and Daddy love each other.”

Charlie said the word again, although this time in a soft and sensitive voice.

Nash looked down at him and said, “That’s right, buddy.”

Maggie finally broke down and started laughing. “You are horrible.”

“I know.”

“How was your day?” she asked with a touch of concern.

“It was interesting?”

“But you can’t talk about it.”


She stiffened a little. The happy moment was gone and the stress of his job was back in the happy little home. “Just promise me you’ll tell me yourself. I don’t want to wake up one morning and read it in the paper.”

Nash kissed her forehead. “I promise.”



SENATOR Lonsdale stepped quietly out of her Capitol office and onto the veranda. She stood still and took in the beautiful sight before her. The setting sun was bathing the alabaster columns of the Supreme Court in a brilliant orange glow, but it was lost on her. She was frozen like a love-struck teenager staring at Wade Kline as he stood with his back to her, one hand on the stone railing and the other holding a cell phone to his ear. She’d never seen him with his suit coat off, and her eyes worked their way from his broad shoulders down to his narrow waist and finally his backside. Lonsdale took in a slow breath as she bit down softly on her bottom lip. She may have had crushes like this as a teenager but never such erotic thoughts.

Since her husband’s death she’d had her fair share of lovers, but none this young. This, she told herself, would have to be handled very discreetly.

Kline turned around and greeted Lonsdale with a smile as he held up a finger. “I have to go,” he said. “The senator is here. I’ll call you later.”

Something about his tone told Lonsdale that it was a woman. “Who was that?” she asked as casually as possible.

Kline hesitated and then said, “My wife. She’s up in New York.”

“Oh,” Lonsdale said as she noted that he didn’t tell her he loved her before hanging up. “Do you commute?”

“Yes and no,” he said a bit sheepishly. “I have an apartment down here, but my workload is pretty heavy, so I’m lucky if I get back every couple weeks.”

“Well,” she said as her eyes danced over his body once again, “you obviously find time to work out.”

“It’s the only thing that keeps me sane.”

“Just remember, life can be short. I found that out the hard way with my husband. He worked seventy, eighty hours a week, building his family business and he ended up dropping dead at age forty-five.”