“You’re looking at ten years…maybe more.”

Rapp chuckled.

“You find this funny?”

“I find your theatrical bravado funny.”

The man took a sip of coffee and in a morose tone said, “I don’t think you’re going to be laughing when you’re sitting in a federal prison getting buttfucked by a bunch of hard cons.”

Rapp’s eyes narrowed, the creases in his forehead deepening. He sensed something in the man across the table. Something he should be leery of. “Who are you?”

The man straightened his tie and said, “I’m Wade Kline…Department of Justice Chief Privacy and Civil Liberties Officer, and I’m your worst nightmare, Mr. Rapp.”

“Really?” Rapp asked in a not-impressed tone.

“Yes. I’m incorruptible, and I don’t like people who think they don’t have to play by the rules.”

Rapp nodded. “Speaking of the rules,” Rapp glanced up at the camera in the corner, “would you mind telling me why I haven’t seen my attorney?”

Kline grinned at Rapp and with an arched brow said, “Sometimes it’s hard to track down a lawyer in the middle of the night. I’m sure he’ll be along in time for your arraignment.”

“Well, it is very considerate of you to come in here and talk to me without my lawyer present, but I think I’ll pass.”

Kline plucked a chunk of the scone from the wax paper and popped it into his mouth. “What if I were to tell you I could make this all go away?”


“You cooperate with my investigation. You talk to me about your superiors at Langley. You fill me on your illegal domestic spying operations. It’s your only chance.”

“You’re joking, right?”

“Mr. Rapp, do I look like the type of person who jokes around?”

Rapp thought to himself that it was a valid point. This guy took himself far too seriously to screw around. “You know what I think, Kline? I think there’s a real shit storm brewing outside this room right now. I think there’s a lot of pissed-off people at the Pentagon and the White House.”


“Yep…I think you got wind of this little misunderstanding between Captain Leland and myself and you decided to run with it before checking in with your superiors. I think the attorney general has had his ass reamed by the president, which means the AG has now turned around and reamed your ass, and since you’re a desperate type of fellow and you hate to lose, you’ve now decided the only way you can save face on this deal is to try this lame-ass Hail Mary attempt…promising you’ll go light on me in return for me telling you about all the nasty shit I’ve seen the CIA do over the last eighteen years.”

“I can promise you, Mr. Rapp, I don’t make empty threats,” Wade said ser

iously. “I’ve spent too many hours in a courtroom to say something I can’t follow through on.”

“Then help me understand your situation, because you don’t have a case against me. This little scuffle between Captain Leland and myself…there’s two sides to how that went down and even if you believe everything he’s telling you, which would be a mistake, all you’ve got is a misdemeanor assault. You and I both know I’ll never see the inside of a jail, let alone have to endure all these boyfriends you’re talking about. And as far as me putting on the uniform of a colonel”—Rapp shrugged—“that’s what we do in the Clandestine Service. So unless you’ve got something you’re not telling me, you’re wasting my time.”

“Well,” started Kline with a big smile, “there is this other matter.”

“And what would that be?”

“The part about you beating and torturing a bound prisoner.”

A small grin spread across Rapp’s lips. He was waiting for this card to be played. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

“Sure you do. Captain Leland and General Garrison have already filed their official reports.” Kline consulted his notes. “The prisoner’s name is Abu Haggani. We have photos of his cut and bruised face attached to the report.”

“Didn’t happen.”

“I have a security tape that says different.” Kline stared unflinchingly at Rapp. “You’d better make this deal with me or you’re going to get caught up in a media firestorm that is going to make Abu Ghraib look like a twenty-four-hour scandal.”