“Maggie, I’m your husband, and I love you, and you are going to shut up and listen to me for a moment.”

She stood and angrily said, “Don’t you tell me to shut up.”

“Derek, that little shit, told Rory that he wanted to fuck Shannon.”

“Excuse me?” Maggie said in near shock.

“He said he wanted to fuck our daughter, and Rory told him if he said it again, he was going to hit him. So do you know what that little shit did?”

Maggie shook her head.

“He called you a MILF.”


“Yep, a Mom I’d Like to Fuck.”

Maggie’s eyes opened in shock and her jaw hung loose. “That is disgusting.”

“It sure is,” Nash said, picking up steam. “He told Rory he wanted to fuck you.”

“Oh, my God,” Maggie said with a horrified look on her face.

“So, tell me, little Miss Harvard Law, how do you feel now about jumping all over your son? How do you feel about not letting him tell his side of the story?”

She was speechless for a moment and then said, “Obviously, I let my emotions get the best of me. But there was a better way to handle this,” she added with a bit of an indignant tone creeping back into her voice. “Rory can’t go around punching his friends every time they say something that upsets him.”

“Can you ever just admit you’re wrong?”

“I’m not wrong, Michael.”

“Oh…” Nash sighed. “The kid did the right thing.”

“No, he didn’t. Sidwell has a zero tolerance policy.”

“Fuck Sidwell, and stop acting like a lawyer. This is our son we’re talking about.”

“Don’t talk to me like that.”

“Do you know how many times I’ve heard you tell your clients to shut up?” he shot back. “That when they get blindsided by something, to shut their mouths until they get all the facts? That’s your motto, and you chose not to live by it tonight. Rory came home, you jumped to a bunch of conclusions, and you hammered him, like a petty third-world dictator.”

“That is debatable, but the one thing that isn’t is that violence is not the answer. It is not the way to solve problems.”

“Shut up, Maggie,” Nash said hotly. “I love you and I’ll always love you, so I’m going to tell you to just shut that pretty little mouth of yours. Stop being a lawyer and start being a mother. Rory gave that little shit plenty of warnings and he chose to ignore them. He pushed and then Rory gave him exactly what he deserved.”

Maggie tried to speak, but Nash put out his hand. “Don’t! Don’t say another word. It was your idea to send him to that damn elite school. I was fine with Shannon going there. They have a great theater program, but it’s not the right place for Rory. It’s a damn dilettante factory.”

Maggie crossed her arms across her chest and looked defiantly at her husband. “Is that all?”

Out of sheer frustration, Nash started to walk away and then turned back and said, “You have a son up there who loves you. Loves you enough to defend your honor, and in this day and age that’s something you should be proud of. He’s in a lot of pain right now. He’s confused because he thinks he did the right thing.”

“I feel bad about not giving him a chance to tell his side of the story, but Michael…”

“Don’t but me. I don’t want to hear any buts. Would you rather have him walking around telling his friends how big of a bitch you are…because I’ll tell you right now, there’s plenty of kids his age doing exactly that.”

Maggie nodded slowly and seemed to be thinking about what she would do.

“If you love him as much as he loves you,” Nash said, “you’ll go up there right now and apologize, and you won’t bring up any of this zero tolerance bullshit.”