“Teasing,” Wassen announced as he held up his drink. “You know my motto…You only live once. So, start living. Sleep with him, get it out of your system, and drop all this nonsense with Rapp and Nash.”

Lonsdale was startled. “Where in the hell did that come from?”

“Everybody in the office is talking about it.”

“About Rapp?”

“No, that you need to get laid.”

“Cut the crap for a minute. Why in the world do you think I should let the CIA off the hook?”

“I don’t know,” Wassen shrugged, “because maybe they’re doing the right thing?”

Lonsdale sat there for a long moment and stared at her longtime advisor. “You can’t be serious.”

“I am, and I don’t know why you’ve decided to make this your cause. There’s plenty of things to get upset about in this town.”

Lonsdale set her drink down. She was used to Wassen’s pranks, but this was different. Without the slightest hint of humor she asked, “You’re not playing devil’s advocate, are you?”

“No, I’m one hundred percent serious.”

“Well, I think you’re wrong.”

“Have you ever looked at the polls on this issue?”

“Yeah…over ninety percent of the country is against torture.”

“And over seventy percent of the country thinks child molesters should be castrated.”

“The number is not that high.”

“It is if you phrase the question properly.”

“You can do that with any poll,” Lonsdale said dismissively.

Wassen pointed at her and said, “And that’s how they get the ninety-percent-against-torture number. They ask the question in a vacuum. Yes or no, are against torture?” He frowned. “I mean…who the hell is pro-torture?”

“You’d be surprised.”

“Did you ever read A Time to Kill by Grisham?”


“Remember…the little girl got raped by the two rednecks and the dad ends up killing them? Would you convict the father or set him free? And stop being a politician for a second. When you were reading the book, did you want the father to be convicted or set free?”

“Set free, of course. But that has nothing to do with…”

“It has everything to do with what is going on!” Wassen said forcefully.

“Are you drunk?”

“I wish.” He took a big gulp. “Ask yourself something. Why is Rapp willing to go before your committee?”

“Because he has no choice.”

“B.S. You know he could spend months screwing with you on this.”
