“Don’t act so shocked.”

“Ah…” she stammered.

“I knew it.”

She smiled, “It may have crossed my mind.”

“I’m going to win so much money.”

Lonsdale grabbed his arm. “What?”

“We started an office pool,” he said in an exaggerated nonchalant way.

“You’re full of shit.”

“Of course I am.” Wassen turned and went to the bar. As he started to pour himself a scotch on the rocks, he asked, “Well…why don’t you?”

Lonsdale plopped down on the silk Empire sofa and kicked off her pumps. “You know why?”

“No, I don’t.”

“For starters…he’s a little young.”

“That hasn’t stopped you before.”

“This one is different.”

“How?” Wassen asked as he collapsed into one of the parlor chairs.

“He owes me his job.”

“Who cares? People do it in this town all the time.”

“He’s married.”

“That hardly matters these days.”

“I thought you were supposed to look out for my best interests?” she asked with a curious eye.

“I am. It’s just that I think you’re in a bit of a funk lately.”

“A funk?”

“You know…a little bitchy.” He took a sip of his drink.

“So I should sleep my way out of it?”

“Basically. No one is going to hold it against you. At least not your base. The jackals might take a swipe at you, but then again it might help your image. The two of you make a striking couple.”

“I’m old enough to be his mother.”

“Technically, yes, but you don’t look twenty years his senior.”

“Thank you.” She smiled.

“At least not with your clothes on,” he added quickly.

“You are terrible,” Lonsdale said with a scowl.