“It wasn’t the bureau’s fault. It was the Department of Justice who told them no.”

“They didn’t tell them no. They told them the Judiciary Committee would freak out.”

“So back to my point…they didn’t have the balls to do this, even though it makes complete sense, so we have to step in and do it for them and now it’s our asses on the line.”

“There are plenty of good people over there who are going to do everything they can to protect us.”

“What about Mitch?”

“Ridley is over there right now trying to sort things out.”


“Listen, this is going to piss you off even more, but Irene says she wants you as far away from this Mitch deal as possible.”


“For a couple of reasons, but most importantly, you have to roll this other thing up and you have to do it today. You don’t have time to be sticking your nose in this other deal.”

Nash took his eyes off the road. “Sticking my nose in it…I’m up to my neck in it. Al-Haq wants to strike a deal with us. I had him convinced to come over. You guys need to send me back over there so I can push this thing over the goal line.”

“No, and I’m not going to argue with you about this. Irene is adamant. She wants you as far away from this other thing as possible. It will be handled.”

“By who?”

“None of your business. Now put it out of your head. She wants you to go see Stan this morning.”

O’Brien was referring to Stan Hurley, a retired spook. Nash thought about the crass old operative and his unconventional ways. “Do I have to?”

“Mike, put yourself back at Officer Candidate School. I’m your DI. Look over here at me and imagine I’m wearing that ugly green Smokey the Bear hat and I’m about to bite your head off if you say another word. You’re not working for Microsoft. This isn’t a debate club. There’s shit going on here that she isn’t telling me about and she sure as hell isn’t going to tell you, so I’m handing down an order and I expect you to carry it out. Do you understand me?”

Nash stared straight ahead. “Yes, sir.” He wasn’t so sure, based on his current mental condition, that he could handle the notorious Hurley. “Where is he?”

“Bethesda Naval Hospital. I saw him yesterday.”

“Is he all right?” Nash was surprised.

“He’s fine. He had his hip replaced when you were over in Afghanistan.” O’Brien checked his watch. “He’s expecting you. Drop me back at the main door. Oh, and one other thing. The Intelligence Committee wants someone up there at two. I’m sending you.”

“Come on…”

O’Brien looked at him sideways. “Are you done pissing and moaning, Major?”

Nash knew the use of his Marine Corps rank was intended to remind him that a chain of command was still in place. “Yes.”

“Good. And no arguing when you get in front of the committee. Keep your temper in check. Don’t give them a reason to hate you any more than they already do.”



THE men moved into their final positions thirty minutes before the assault was to begin. So far the morning had gone according to plan. The noises of the jungle masked their movement. Exotic birds sang and chirped, rodents scurried and scratched and a whole host of things living in the trees made the most bizarre noises of all. After more than six months, Karim was finally used to it. Maybe he would miss this place after all. As if on cue, a mosquito landed on his exposed wrist and began drawing blood. No, Karim decided, I will not miss this place.

After breakfast, which consisted of energy bars and some salty peanuts, he’d given them one more chance to pray. No one complained about the food. They’d grown used to it. They’d packed four days of light rations, just in case something went wrong. Water was the main thing, though. They had plenty of that and purification tablets if they ran out. After breakfast they did a weapons check, and then Karim spent a moment with each man, asking him to recite his duties for the raid. All seven knew what was expected of them.

The planning session the night before had been brief. They were, after all, using the same plan they had already practiced several months earlier. It was a variation on a simple L-shaped ambush. Technically, it was a raid, since they

were attacking a fixed position, but the men kept referring to it as an ambush, and Karim saw no sense in correcting them. It was fairly straightforward, with the assault force of four men providing direct fire, and the support force of three providing indirect fire. The only real deviation he made was to position Ahmed three hundred meters down the runway and slightly up the rise, so he could provide cover with his long rifle should anything unexpected occur. He didn’t like the idea of retreating, at least not here, for it meant failure, and if they couldn’t execute this simple plan, maybe they deserved to die here in this inhospitable place.