“Say the name and I can make all the pain go away.”

“Karim,” Aabad cried.

“Karim who?” Rapp grabbed his wrists just in case Aabad was thinking of not following through.

“Karim Nour-al-Din.”

Rapp took a knife from his belt, flipped the blade out, and cut the plastic flex cuffs. After stowing the knife, he sat Aabad up and leaned him back in the chair. “Don’t move,” he ordered. “This will only take a second.” Rapp grabbed Aabad’s right wrist and pulled it up and across his body. Placing his other hand on Aabad’s good shoulder, he gave the bad arm a yank, and the ball slid back into the socket.

“Keep an eye on him,” he said to Nash. To Aabad he said, “Give him the rest of the names. I’ll be back in five minutes. If the name you just gave me is bullshit, or you haven’t come up with the rest of the names, I’ll go to work on the other shoulder.”

Rapp left the conference room, closed the door behind him, and rushed down the spiral staircase to meet the delegation from the Justice Department and the FBI.


ALL six men stood at parade rest, their hands clasped behind their backs. Each one was dressed in black SWAT gear replete with Kevlar helmets and goggles. Their tactical vests were loaded with extra ammunition, grenades, and ribbon charges. Underneath those vests each man wore his martyr vest; thirty pounds of C-4 with hundreds of imbedded ball bearings. It was a physical feat just to be able to stand with so much gear, let alone maneuver and attack an enemy stronghold.

Karim was about to give them his final address, when Hakim tapped his shoulder. Karim turned and said, “Yes?”

Hakim was hesitant and then said, “Are you sure you want to do this?”

“Do what?” he asked, surprised.

“Send them to their deaths.”

“Of course,” Karim responded in an almost lighthearted way.

“Haven’t we had enough success for one day?”

Karim began to laugh. “You can never have enough success in one day. You can never deliver too big a blow to your enemy.”

“The other bomb is set to go off in minutes. You have already achieved so much.” Lowering his voice, he said, “Why not let them live to fight another day?”

Karim searched his friend’s eyes for a moment and then said, “You do not understand…”

“Oh, I understand,” Hakim answered hotly. “This is about you and your glory. It is about you making a name for yourself.”

“Really?” Karim gestured toward his men. “Go ahead and ask them. Ask them if they would like to leave with you right now?”

Hakim looked at the young faces again. He doubted any one of them would abandon the group.

“You doubt me,” Karim said, and then turned to address his men. “Hakim thinks that some of you would prefer to live today.” There was a grumbling among the men. “I think his faith is not as strong as ours. Would any of you men like to skip this mission and leave the country with Hakim?”

In unison, they barked, “No, sir!”

“Would any of you men like me to accompany you on this mission?”

“No, sir!” Their response rang out as one, even louder than the previous response.

Karim turned to his friend and shrugged his shoulders as if to say, “Oh well.” Turning back to his men, he said, “You all know how strongly I feel about this next part of the operation. It is one thing to attack unprotected civilian targets. Many less talented could have done the same, although probably not with the precision that we achieved today. This next part of the plan is different, though. This is where we strike at the heart of the enemy. This is where we turn the hunters into the hunted. Are you men ready?”

“Yes, sir!” they barked enthusiastically.

“Good. It has been a great honor leading all of you. I will make sure that all of Islam learns your names and gives thanks every time you are mentioned.” Karim looked from one end of the line to the other and did not allow himself to think of their deaths. He instead chose to think of their arrival in paradise. He glanced at his watch and said, “It is time to leave. Let’s go.”

The six men all hustled over to the black Suburban and climbed in.

Karim stood next to the black Town Car and asked Hakim, “Are you ready?”