“Let them say what they want, because there’s more. The guy isn’t even Greek.”

“Excuse me?”

“He’s Bosnian. His real name is Gavrilo Gazich, and here’s the best part.” Rapp grinned and added, “He’s wanted by the War Crimes Tribunal in The Hague for atrocities committed against civilians during the civil war.”

“You’re sure?”

“One hundred percent.”

Now it was Kennedy’s turn to smile. “Anything else?”

“A list of people he is suspected of killing. Most of them in Africa over the past five years or so. One U.N. official, a couple of relief workers, and a bunch of politicians, warlords, and generals.”

“All of it’s ironclad?”

“As solid as it gets. The FBI is going to have a field day. The U.N. might even thank us.”

The director of the CIA turned the gray stick over in her fingers and thought of the photos that Cap Baker had given her. “Any idea who hired him to take out the candidates?”

“No, but I know who tried to kill him after he screwed up.”

“Excuse me?”

Rapp folded his hands across his lap and explained to her what had happened on Cyprus. How he had spotted the other team keeping an eye on Gazich’s office. How Rapp watched Gazich casually stroll down the street, shoot the one lookout in the car and then lure the other two up to his office, where he killed one and began torturing the other. Having watched Gazich operate, Rapp explained that he’d decided the man was too dangerous to do anything other than cripple him. Telling a man like that to drop his gun and lie down on the ground would have ended with one or both of them dead.

“Who were these people trying to kill him?” Kennedy asked.

“At first I thought they were Russians. One of them maintained that he was KGB.”

Kennedy gave him a you’ve-got-to-be-kidding-me look and said, “You’re not serious?”

“As it turns out they were Belarusian, and at least one of them was former BKGB. I brought the leader of the group back.”

Kennedy was surprised yet again. “On Sunday?”


“And why am I hearing about it now for the first time?”

“I needed to check some things out.”

“Where is this man?”

“I handed him over to Dr. Hornig this evening.”

“You were having a hard time getting him to talk?”

“No. He talked all right. We just couldn’t separate the truth from all of his bullshit.”

“So what does the Belarusian mafia have to do with all of this?”

“That’s a good question. The guy we have in custody, his name is Milinkavich. He claims he was sent to Cyprus to kill Gazich for screwing up some contract he’d been hired for. I asked him if they did a lot of work with the Saudis and I got an interesting reaction out of him.”

“What was that?”

“He says his boss, Aleksandr Gordievsky, who runs the Belarusian mafia, hates Muslims. Says the man is Eastern Orthodox and, I quote, ‘thinks Islam is the creation of Satan.’ He claims they would never work for the Saudis.”

Kennedy’s thoughts returned to the photos. “Anything else?”