“And that surprises you? This guy has a black heart. I wouldn’t trust anything that comes out of his mouth.”

Rapp frowned. “I believed him. You know how you get a feel for these things after you’ve been through enough of them?”


“Well, he had no incentive to lie. He’s a one-man operation. Whoever hired him was in the process of trying to kill him when we showed up.”

“What did he lie about?”

“He told me he received a call right before the attack that told him the target was the second limo.”

“Yeah,” Coleman said.

“I talked to Rivera yesterday, and she told me they didn’t shuffle the limos.”

“What does that matter? He was trying to take both of them out, wasn’t he?”

“No.” Rapp shook his head. “He claims he was only trying to hit the second limo.”

Coleman leaned against the Formica countertop. “So he was probably trying to hit both cars.”

“Which means he lied about the phone call.”

“Well, don’t get yourself too worked up. Skip called me this morning. He’d also like you to give him a call.”

“He’ll have to take a number.”

“He says he’s under a lot of pressure. Gazich volunteered for and passed a lie detector test. Skip said they had the Bureau’s best guy running the machine, and this fucker beat it.”

Rapp smiled. “This is just too perfect.”

“Yeah. Skip says Justice is freaking out, State is freaking out, and even some of the boys at the Bureau are starting to waiver.”

“He say anything about the media?”

“He said the phone is ringing off the hook. The press is digging hard.”


Dumond came back in the break room with a big grin on his face.

“What’s got you so excited?” Rapp asked.

“I just found out who our guest is.” Dumond pointed at the floor.

“The Russian?” Coleman asked.

“Yep, except he’s not Russian.”



No one spoke. Not in the elevator. Not in the lobby. Ross wanted to speak, wanted desperately to speak, but didn’t dare until he was away from the Secret Service agents and Gordon. They were halfway between the main door and the waiting limousine when Garret reached out and grabbed Ross’s elbow. The two men stopped and then Gordon stopped and then all six agents stopped. Only one agent looked at the protectee. The other five adjusted their positions to shield Ross as much as possible. The men did not look comfortable. They’d been trained to move people from one secure area to the next. No loitering in between. Forty feet away was a brand-new armored limousine engineered to handle twice the explosion that had torn apart the older model limousine that fateful day back in October. All six Secret Service agents fought the instinct to literally grab Ross by the collar and throw him headfirst into the limo.

Special Agent Brown approached Ross and Garret. “Excuse me, sir. It’s not good to stop in the open like this. Could you please get in the limo?”

Garret ignored the agent, while Ross shot him a withering look. “This was an unscheduled stop. No one knows I’m here. Relax and back off. I want some privacy.”