“So, I suppose you hung around to gloat.” Rivera threw open the right side of her black trench coat and placed her hand on the hilt of her service pistol.

“No, but from your tone it sounds like you could use another ass kicking.”

“What do you want with me?” She sounded irritated.

“We need to talk. Have you had breakfast?”

She looked at her watch. “No time. I can’t be late for work. I’m under double secret probation.”

“Is that the reason for your att


“If you really care to know, yes it is. Three months ago I was a rising star and now I’m an embarrassment.”

“Come on.” Rapp grabbed her by the elbow. “I spotted a breakfast place around the corner. We need to talk about a few things.”

“I told you I can’t. They’re looking for an excuse to fire me. I need to get to work.”

“Fuck ’em. You didn’t do anything they didn’t train you to do. Come on, let’s go.”

She dug in her heels. “What is that supposed to mean?”

“You followed Secret Service procedure. Plain and simple.”

“And what is wrong with our procedures?” she said defensively.

“Oh, you’re a pain in the ass. Just drop the feminist, bull dyke bravado for thirty minutes, alright? I’m buying. Let’s go.”

Rivera’s eyes squinted. “Did you just call me a bull dyke?”

“No…I said drop the bull dyke attitude. You know…the whole female cop that has to prove she’s tougher than any man.”

“You think I’m a lesbian?”

“I don’t care if you’re gay, straight, bi, or whatever the hell floats your boat. All I’m telling you is that I don’t need your fucking attitude. I showed up here this morning, because I have something important to talk to you about, and you pull that classless, cheap shot, bullshit move, thinking you’re all tough.” Rapp got in her face. “My fucking back is killing me. You dropped me on my fucking gun…You’re lucky I didn’t break your jaw.”

“Yeah…well if it makes you happy, I think you broke one of my ribs.” Rivera slid a hand under her jacket and winced as she touched her side.

“Good.” Rapp looked around and then said, “Can we go have breakfast now?”

“I’m not kidding. They’re building a file on me. Any excuse to get rid of me.”

It occurred to Rapp that she was so outside the loop that she had no idea he’d captured the man responsible for the motorcade attack. “Did you read the paper or turn on the TV this morning?”

“No. I got up and ran five miles and then came here.”

“Five miles and then you came here?”

“Yeah…that’s probably why you beat me. Next time I’m going to make sure I’m ready.”

“Are you delusional?”

“No…just realistic.”

Rapp shook his head and started walking. “Come on. I need something to eat.”

“I’m serious. I have to go. Maybe we could meet for lunch?”