“Then how did they track you down?”

“I don’t know,” he snarled. “I was in the process of finding that out when you burst into my office and shot me.”

“How did you get into the U.S.?” Rapp watched Gazich hesitate before answering. So far the man had denied any involvement in the attack on the motorcade. “Be careful. Take your time to think this one through. You wouldn’t want to lie to me.”

Gazich squirmed under the strain of the straps and said, “I flew into New York the day before.”

“Which airport?”


“The explosives?”

“They were waiting for me.”



“The state?”

“Yes, the state. Now give me my shot.”

“Not quite yet. You’re doing a good job, though. So you pick up the van, drive it down to Washington…when, on Friday?”

“No,” Gazich snapped. “I told you I arrived in New York on Friday.”

It was possible to fly into JFK, stop in Pennsylvania, and get to Washington in one day, but Rapp wasn’t going to argue with him. Not yet. The fact that his fuse was so short was a good sign. He wanted the morphine big-time.

“So you stayed in Pennsylvania on Friday night?”

“Yes…Yes! The van was waiting for me and I drove it down to Washington early on Saturday morning. I found my spot, I parked it, I waited, and then when the time was right I blew it up. End of story. There you go. Now give me my shot.”

Rapp squatted down and pulled back the blanket to reveal Gazich’s hand. A port was taped to the back of his right hand. Stroble had put it in earlier so he could give Gazich a bag of plasma and his first two shots of morphine. Rapp popped the cap off the premeasured dose and was about to insert the needle when he thought of one more question.

“Where were you standing when you detonated the bomb?”

Gazich’s eyes were focused on the needle with such intensity that he didn’t understand the question. “What?”

“When the bomb went off…where were you standing?”

“The fucking tree!” Gazich yelled. “I was standing behind a tree a half block away! Now give me the shot.”

Rapp nodded. Agent Rivera had been right. He slid the needle into the white port and pressed the plunger. The dose was just enough to keep him comfortable for thirty to forty-five minutes, and then the pain would come back with a vengeance. Rapp watched as Gazich began to relax almost immediately. His body went from rigid to relaxed, and his breathing settled into a normal pattern as the alkaloid drug eased his pain.

“So they tried to back out of paying you the rest of the money after the job.” Rapp said this casually. Like one professional talking to another.

“The second part?” Gazich scoffed. “They wanted their deposit back.”

“Not very professional,” Rapp said with a disappointed look on his face. “So you waited a few seconds too long and you only got one limo instead of both.”

The drug was working fast. Gazich looked up at Rapp with dilated eyes and slurred his first few words. “I did exactly as I was told. I fulfilled my part of the deal. They were the ones who screwed up.”

“How so?”

“They told me to hit the second limo.”

Rapp’s brow furrowed with surprise. Tactically this made no sense. The van had enough power to take out both limos. Picking just one from the outset cut your odds of success in half. “Why not take out both?”