“And he’s alive,” Kennedy snapped.

“I wasn’t trying to kill him.”

Kennedy placed her hand over her forehead. “Oh god! Please don’t tell me you kneecapped him. Please don’t tell me you’ve been torturing him.”


“Then why in the hell did you shoot him four times?” she barked. “You’re supposed to be an expert marksmen.”

“Oh…fuck. You’re killing me. If I have to listen to another desk jockey question what I do in the field I’m going to go postal.”

“I’m killing you? Are you kidding me? Mitch, you need to help me. You need to explain to me why you shot the prisoner four times, because when you land the FBI is going to take this guy into custody, and they sure as hell are going to ask.”

“Trust me, you wouldn’t understand.”

“Try me.”

“You work behind a desk and I work in the field.”

“Mitchell!” she snapped.

“He was armed, I was in his backyard, there were other people involved, and I was operating without backup.”

“Where were the others?”

“They got delayed at the airport.”

“And you couldn’t wait for them?”


“Or was it that you didn’t want to wait for them?”

“Yeah, Irene. I wanted to be the lone cowboy so I could get all the credit. I’ll tell you what. Maybe I’ll have the pilot drop us down to five thousand feet, I’ll open the cargo door and kick this piece of crap into the ocean and you can all kiss my ass.”

“Mitch, I’m not saying you did any of this to try and get credit, what I’m doing is…”

“Second-guessing me from thousands of miles away.”

“I’m not second-guessing you. I’m trying to find out what happened so we can figure out what to say to the FBI.”

“It was like I said; it was his home turf, he’d already killed two people and I didn’t have time to wait around for backup so I moved in and took care of the situation.”

“Why did you have to shoot him four times?”

“This guy’s good. I was flying solo, so I needed to put him out of commission fast.”

“What do you mean put him out of commission?”

“I needed to cripple him.”

Kennedy thought about what that meant for a moment.

Filling the dead air, Rapp said, “This isn’t the type of guy who surrenders when you shout, freeze.”

“So you shot first and asked questions later.”
