“That’s right.”

“But you were correct when you noted that my life would be much easier if Cy Green were out of it.”

Rapp had picked up on Speyer’s tone during dinner. It was obvious that he did not enjoy the company of men like Green and Gordievsky. That didn’t make him any less guilty at this point, just slightly more likable. Rapp saw potential in Speyer. It wasn’t every day that the CIA had the opportunity to own the president of one of Geneva’s most influential banks. The information they could get from Speyer would be extremely valuable.

“So tell me again about the security.” Rapp turned and looked down the block at Green’s building.

“I already told you three times.”

“Tell me again.” Rapp wanted to make sure Speyer wasn’t leaving anything out.

“The lobby has bulletproof glass. The doorman is not on at this hour, so we call the penthouse, they buzz us in and send the elevator down.”

“And once we get to the fourth floor?”

“The door opens and one of the bodyguards is waiting for us. Sometimes two.”

“And they run a metal detector over you?”


“What about the butler?”

“Sometimes he’s there. Sometimes he isn’t. It usually depends how late it is.”

Rapp didn’t like the idea of killing the butler. “I thought you said he lives there.”

“I mean there when you get off the elevator.”

“Even at midnight?”

“Working for Cy Green is a twenty-four-hour job.” Speyer pushed his glasses up on his nose.

Through Rapp’s earpiece he heard Coleman say, “They just dropped Garret off at his hotel and are en route.”

Rapp passed the information onto Speyer, who began wringing his hands nervously. “That’s not going to work.”


“You getting all nervous. You need to stay calm.”

“How can you honestly expect me to stay calm?”

“Just relax and think about how nice your life is going to be without Green and this Belarusian pig in it.”

“Yes, but how do I know you won’t shoot me in the back?”

Rapp smiled and checked his watch. It was 11:56. At least these guys were punctual. Speyer had given them the name of Green’s favorite escort service. Rapp called the service and told them Mr. Green wanted to let them know he was running an hour late. The person at the service said she would change the arrival time to 1:00 a.m.

“Joseph, I know a good opportunity when I see one.”

“What do you mean?”

“If you go in there and do exactly as I say, I’m not going to shoot you. You’re going to get up in the morning and go to work. You’ll get to keep your house in the mountains and your flat in Paris. The only thing that’s going to change is that you’ll be rid of these two assholes.”

“I don’t get it. What are you going to get out of this?”

Rapp smiled. “You are going to start spying for the CIA.”