Rapp wasn’t a spy, but he wasn’t about to waste his time trying to correct her. “The day of the attack you said you didn’t shuffle the limos.”

“What are you talking about?”

“When you left the conference, right before the explosion, you told me everyone loaded up. You got in the first limo with Ross and Alexander and Alexander’s wife got in the second limo.”

“That’s right.”

The light turned green and Rapp took his foot off the brake. “And the limos were never shuffled. They stayed in that order until the explosion?”

“Yeah. I already told you this.”

“I’m just trying to make sure. Who decides who rides in which limo?”

Rivera frowned. Her thin dark eyebrows arching above her sunglasses. “I was the SAC. Typically, I do, but a lot of the times we work on the fly with the protectees and their staff.”

“I read in the preliminary report last night that Alexander and his wife arrived in the same limousine, but left in separate vehicles.”

“You have a copy of the preliminary report?” Rivera asked, her surprise obvious.

“Yes, and don’t worry. You come out of it unscathed.” Rapp wasn’t being entirely honest, but he didn’t need her getting all worked up. “Now is that right? Alexander and his wife arrived in the same car and left in separate cars?”


“And in the report it says you assigned Special Agent Cash to ride with Alexander’s wife in the second limo?”

“Yes.” Rivera grew a bit tentative. “Where are you going with all of this?”

“Bear with me for a little bit longer, and I’ll tell you. The decision to put Alexander’s wife in the second limo, was that a staff decision, or was it your decision?” Rapp took a left onto Constitution Avenue, the Washington Monument looming large up ahead on the right.

“By staff I assume you mean campaign.”

“Yes. Was it you, or the campaign?”

“It was the campaign.”

Rapp’s fingers flexed on the leather steering wheel and then gripped it tight. He was homing in on the truth and he could feel it. “When were you informed of the change?”

“Probably fifteen minutes or so before we were going to leave for the vice president’s residence. Don’t hold me to that, though. Changes like this happen all the time. Even more so during a campaign.”

Rapp nodded. “I won’t. I assume if the campaign wants to make a change they need to inform you personally.”

“Usually, but I’m not always on.”

“When you’re on.”

“Usually, but not always. Sometimes they’ll grab the closest agent and have them tell me, but I made it clear that I wanted all changes to go through me directly.”

Rapp nodded as he drove. So far so good. It was how he had envisioned it. “So on the day of the attack, who informed you there was going to be a change in terms of who would be riding in which car?”

“Stu Garret.”

Rapp felt his chest tighten a bit as he began to experience a spike in adrenalin. “Stu Garret.” Rapp turned his head to the right, cracking his neck.

“Do you know him?”

“Only by reputation.”

“He’s extremely rude, to put it kindly.”