“Then tell me why you were sent to kill him.”

“All I know,” the big man gasped for air, “is he was hired to do something and he fucked up.”

“He was hired to kill someone,” Rapp wanted to be clear on this.



“I do not know.”

“You want me to kick you again?”

“No!” he screamed. “No, please I have no idea.”

“When did your boss start doing business with the Arabs?”

A look of real shock fell across Milinkavich’s face. “Arabs?”

“Arabs…Islamic Radical Fundamentalist…terrorists.”

“Mr. Gordievsky would never work with such people.”

The look on his face was believable, but the words weren’t. “Bullshit.” Rapp stomped on his knee again.

Milinkavich screamed and then began sobbing. “I am serious. He is Eastern Orthodox. Very involved in the church. He thinks Islam is the invention of Satan. He would never do business with them.”

All Rapp’s senses told him Milinkavich was telling the truth, but it didn’t add up with what he already knew. Rapp needed to be careful. If he began asking blind questions, he could end up weakening his position. The better thing to do at the moment was to leave and try to confirm what he’d just been told. Then if he found out the man was lying to him, he would come back and the interrogation would begin with renewed vigor.

“I’m going to call my friends in the KGB and find out if you’re telling the truth. And you’d better hope they corroborate your story, or I’m going to come back in here and things are going to get real ugly. In fact when I come back, you are going to tell me from start to finish everything you know about Deckas. And I mean everything. When you first heard of him. How many jobs he’s done for you. Everything. You do that, and I’ll get you set up with painkillers. You decide to lie to me some more and I’ll snap your other knee.”

Rapp stepped over Milinkavich and closed and locked the heavy door. He climbed the steps up to the main floor and then walked past the break room and up to Coleman’s office. When he entered Cole

man was on the phone signaling for Rapp to stay quiet.

“Irene,” Coleman said, “I have no idea where he is.” He listened for a bit and said, “I’ll have him call you as soon as I hear from him. I have to go now.”

“What did she want?” asked Rapp. “She all pissed off about Gazich?”

“No. I asked her that. She said she’s not worried. She knows he’s the guy.”

“Then what’s the problem?”

“She says she has something she needs to show you.”


“She wouldn’t say. All she said was it was very important that she see you as soon as possible.”

“She didn’t even tell you what it was about?” Rapp asked.

“All she said was that it might cause you to look at something in a different way.”

Rapp took a second to guess what that might be.

“What are you going to do?” Coleman asked.

“I’ll call her back.”