
“You’re a hundred percent sure?”

“One hundred percent.”

“Is that your gut or your brain talking?”


“My guy who’s working with Justice on this says they don’t share your conviction.”

Rapp smiled. That was exactly what he wanted to hear. “I doubt they would approve of my methods, but l

et me tell you something, Jack. This guy is absolutely, one hundred percent the guy who detonated the bomb.”


“More than enough to send him to the gas chamber.”

“We don’t use those anymore.”

“Well for this guy we should. Maybe you could get them to resurrect Old Sparky?”

“The electric chair…considering the fact that he killed the next president’s wife, I’d say it might actually happen. Are you going to give the Justice Department the evidence, or is this the type of stuff you don’t want dragged into open court?”

“They’ll get it all in a day or two, but don’t tell anyone I told you that. I want them to sweat it a little longer.”

“Is it true?”


“You shot the guy four times.”

“I have no idea what you’re talking about. I read the man his rights, handcuffed him, and handed him over to the FBI. The last I saw of the guy he was in perfect physical health.”

“So if he was shot, it was the FBI.”


Warch laughed. “I’ll have to tell the president that. He’ll get a real kick out of it.”

“Listen,” Rapp said getting serious, “I need to talk to one of your people.”


“Agent Rivera.”

Warch was quiet for a moment. “Why?”

“Don’t worry, Jack. I’m not going to get her in trouble. I just have a few questions about how things went down back in October.”

“I’m not sure how talkative she’s going to be.”


“The preliminary internal report was released to the top brass yesterday.”
