“I told you what’s going on. It’s classic disinformation. We’re going to get them leaning in one direction and once they’re committed we’re going to deliver a knockout punch.”

“You and your sports analogies.” Dumond frowned at Rapp and then went to work on one of the keyboards.

“Man, you are one crabby cuss this morning.”

“Whereas you are just a breath of fresh air.”

Rapp smiled. He truly liked Dumond. “Thank you for working on this. I owe you.”

“You’re damn right you do. I’ve been up all night and I have to be at work in an hour and a half.”

“All right,” Rapp put his hands up in surrender. “I owe you big-time. The next time you get arrested, I’ll bail you out.” The comment was a reference to the fact that if it weren’t for Rapp, Dumond would be sitting in a federal prison.

“How long are you going to hold that over my head?”

“I’m not. Now give me the full update.”

“I posted twenty-six blogs last night, under ten separate pseudonyms. I started out responding to other bloggers who were reporting that the assassin was caught. You could tell by most of them that the leaks were coming out of the White House. Traffic was pretty hot on the subject. At five this morning I started putting it out there that there were major problems with the case against this guy…signs of torture, no real evidence, the fact that he was grabbed without alerting the Greek authorities.”

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“Who did you say your sources were?”

“All anonymous. State Department, Justice, FBI, CIA. I spread it around.”

“Did you float my name?” Rapp asked.

“Not yet. I thought you wanted me to hold off on that.”

“I did. When we finish up with this next thing, go ahead and leak it.”

Dumond studied him for a second. “I have no idea what you are up to.”

“You’ll see soon enough. When was the last time you spoke with Hacket and Wicker?”

“About thirty minutes ago.”


“They dumped the bodies at Gazich’s house and left the gun there. They’re outside the bank right now waiting for you to call.”

They had found a safety deposit box key along with a file of financial documents at Gazich’s office. One of the banks listed in the file was the Hellenic Bank of Cyprus. Dumond penetrated the bank’s network and found out that they had a safety deposit box registered under the name of Alexander Deckas. While he was inside the network he also collected some additional information.

Dumond handed Rapp a file. “The president of the bank is Manos Kapodistras. He has a little more than three hundred thousand dollars in cash deposits at the bank. In addition to that it looks like his ownership is about fifteen percent.”

“Foreign deposits?”

“A lot of Saudi money.”

“Anyone we know?”

“About a fifth of the royal family.”

Rapp glanced at the file and then asked, “Anything unusual?”

“Doesn’t appear to be, but these bankers can be pretty sneaky with their money.”

“Your advice?”