“He sounded pretty convinced.”

“He’s not exactly the most stable person I’ve ever met.”

“Do you have any idea how fucking serious he is?”

“There’s only so much I can do.”

“I get the feeling your idea of what you can do and his are miles apart.”

“I told him,” Ross pointed his finger at Garret, “that I would do everything I could to help him, but in the end it would be up to you know who.”

“No, I don’t know who.”

“The president.”

“Current or future?”


“I seem to remember you also telling him if Hayes balked you would get Josh to do it once he took the oath.”

“I did not.”

“You sure as hell did. I heard you. You said that between you and his father-in-law you would get him his pardon.”

“Shhhh…” Ross held his finger to his lips.

Garret glanced over his shoulder at the two agents in the front seat and then looked back at Ross. “You fucking think they have us bugged? You really are out of your mind.”

“In this town you never know.”

“Fuck…you’re paranoid.”

“And you’re a rude little bastard, Stu.”

“Yeah well guess what? We’re not in high school anymore. I’m not trying to win any popularity contests. My job was to get you elected. And I did that.”

“You weren’t the only one working on the campaign.”

Garret shook his head and said, “Our friend told me that you actually said you thought you were making up ground in the polls and that you had momentum on your side. He told me you said we may have won the thing all on our own. You didn’t really say that, did you?”

Ross looked out the window yet again. “Stu, elections are a strange business.”

“Mark, elections are my business. I’ve been running them and rigging them for over thirty years and I’m going to tell you right now you guys were dead in the water. You had about as much of a chance to win that thing as a Republican does the mayoral race in San Francisco…which is to say none.”

“You don’t know that.”

“Yes, I do, Mark, and you’d better fucking snap out of it, because I’m telling you right now our friend over in Europe is not the type of man you want to fuck with.”

Ross had heard just about enough. “Next Saturday, I’m going to be sworn in as the vice president of the United States of America. I think our friend should start thinking about who he wants to fuck with.”

“Yeah, well…he’s not your only problem, Mr. Vice President.” Garret looked out the window and said something under his breath.


“The FBI, Department of Justice, and CIA have scheduled a joint press conference for tomorrow morning at ten.”
