“No.” Kennedy frowned. “I’m afraid we ran into a wall there.”

“I thought you were pretty confident that you were going to make a connection?” Ross sounded a bit let down.

It took all the composure Kennedy could marshal just to sit in the same room with the man. To have to watch him fake concern was nearly unbearable. “More than anything, we floated that to see if we could spook some potential suspects into making a stupid move.” She took another sip of her water and then placed it on the table with both hands.

“That’s too bad,” Ross said with a disappointed voice. “But great work on tracking that other guy down.”

President Hayes entered the room with his suit jacket on. Carl closed the door behind him, and the other door to where the administrative assistants sat was also closed. “Sorry I’m late, gentlemen.”

Ross, Stokes, and Kennedy stood. Hayes marched over with his large coffee mug in hand.

“So how is everyone feeling today?” Hayes asked in an upbeat voice.

“Fine, sir,” Ross answered.

Kennedy kept her focus on Ross as the president and Stokes exchanged pleasantries. Hayes extended his coffee mug and asked Kennedy to top him off. She picked up the pot and filled his mug.

“Sit,” Hayes said. “So what can I help you gentlemen with this morning? Let me guess. Someone wants a pardon.”

“You are very astute, Mr. President,” Ross said with a big smile.

Kennedy saw perspiration beginning to form on Ross’s forehead.

“Before we get to that, though, I would like to apologize to Irene.”

Kennedy wondered where the snake could possibly be going with this.

Ross looked directly across the table at her. “I was wrong to doubt you over an article written by a reporter with an obvious ax to grind.”

“Thank you,” Kennedy lied in her most congenial tone.

“And I have spoken to Josh, and he has agreed that it would be a good idea for you to stay on as director of the CIA for as long as you’d like.”

“That’s great news,” President Hayes said with genuine relief.

Kennedy watched Ross reach up and tug on his shirt collar. His forehead was really beginning to shine, just as Juarez had told her it would.

“Irene,” President Hayes said, “do you have anything you’d like to say?”

Kennedy had a lot she’d like to say, but she didn’t want to spoil her very well rehearsed plan. Continuing the charade, she said, “I would be honored to serve your administration, Vice President Ross.”

“Good,” Ross said as he tugged at his collar. He blinked once and gave his head a quick shake. “Now about this pardon business.” He shook his head again and rubbed his eyes. “We have managed to get everybody at Justice who matters to sign off on this thing, which will really help insulate you from any fallout.” Ross stopped abruptly and took in a deep breath.

“Are you feeling all right?” asked Hayes.

“I’m not sure.”

Kennedy seized her opportunity. She reached across the table and handed Ross her glass. “Here, have some water.”

Ross eagerly grabbed the glass and took several large gulps.

Kennedy watched with a kind of analytical detachment. Juarez had explained how it would work. The drug that she had dropped into his coffee was designed to increase heart rate and bring on nausea, but more importantly it was designed to mask the second drug. The one that she had slipped into her own water glass after taking several sips. Unknown to all but a few, the Secret Service had a tiny camera in the ceiling of the Oval Office. It was for security reasons. Everything was taped unless the president specifically asked for the system to be turned off. This morning Kennedy wanted it on.

Ross took a few more sips of water and then looked at the president. His breathing seemed labored. “I think it’s my heart. I have a bad heart.” Suddenly he seemed to wilt. The water glass dropped from his hands, tumbling to the carpeted floor and spilling.

The president was out of his chair, coming to Ross’s aid. He grabbed him by the shoulders.

Ross looked across at Kennedy. His breathing was really shallow. “No one knows. I have a bad heart.”