“Oh…you are always welcome.”

“Would you please do me a favor and set up coffee service for two and maybe some water in the Oval?”


Kennedy continued down the hallway through the Oval Office and into the outer office where the president’s administrative assistants were located.

“Good morning, Lorie.”

“Good morning, Director Kennedy.”

“Would you please send the attorney general and Vice President–elect Ross in.”

Kennedy went back into the Oval Office. The setup was always the same. Two arm chairs were in front of the fireplace and two long sofas stretched out taking up the majority of that side of the room. In between the sofas was a fairly large glass coffee table. There was a pecking order when it came to the seating arrangement in the Oval Office. The president always sat in the chair to the right of the fireplace. The chair to the left was reserved for the vice president, a visiting head of state, or in a less formal setting, anyone the president offered the chair to. Kennedy doubted the president would offer the chair to Ross. He simply didn’t like the man well enough. That meant Ross would sit on the couch closest to the president. Stokes would likely sit next to him.

Carl appeared with the coffee service and set it in the middle of the glass table.

“I’ll be back with the water in a moment.”

“Thank you.” Kennedy was wearing a black pant suit. The jacket had three buttons down the front and two small pockets on either side. Kennedy tugged on the bottom of the jacket to straighten it and patted each pocket for a last check.

Ross entered the office first. There was a flash of surprise on his face, but he quickly covered it up with a phony smile.

“Irene,” he said as he walked across the room, “what a pleasant surprise.” The vice president–elect extended his hand across the coffee table.

Kennedy took it. “Good morning, Mr. Vice President.”

“Not for another day.” Ross wagged his finger playfully at Kennedy.

“Irene,” Attorney General Stokes said.

“Good morning, Martin.”

“I didn’t expect to see you here this morning,” Ross said, his voice void of any obvious malice.

“I was having breakfast with the president. He got hung up with something, so he asked me to keep you two company for a few minutes.” Kennedy pointed at the couch behind the two men. “Sit. May I get either of you coffee?” Kennedy had sat through countless meetings with both men and she couldn’t remember a time where either had said no.

“Sure,” said Ross as he lowered himself into the spot closest to the president’s chair.

Stokes set his briefcase on the floor and said, “Please.”

Kennedy reached out to grab a cup, her hand hovering over the top of it for a second. Looking across at Ross she said, “Cream and sugar, right?”


Kennedy placed the cup on top of a saucer and filled it three quarters to the top with coffee. She then added cream and a cube of sugar before stirring it thoroughly. She set the spoon on the tray and placed the cup and saucer directly into Ross’s hands.

“Thank you.” Ross blew on the coffee for a second and then took a sip.

Kennedy poured Stokes a cup and slid it across as Carl returned with a crystal pitcher of water and four glasses. He set them on the table next to the coffee service and left.

Kennedy looked at Stokes and said, “I assume your people are happy with the information we put together on Gazich?” She took an empty glass of water and filled it to the top.

“Are you kidding me? The guy is as good as fried.”


Ross took another drink of coffee and said, “Any luck running down the financial leads?”