“That’s how they found him.” Rapp imagined Milinkavich photographing Gazich as he picked up the van.


“Never mind. It’s not important right now. Do you have the e-mail?”

“Yes. It just landed in my in-box.”

“Open it and hit the play button on the audio clip. And make sure you’re sitting down.”

Rapp could hear the clip start. He couldn’t make out every word, but since he’d already heard it, it was easy to follow. When the clip was over, Kennedy cleared her throat and said, “So Ross was involved.”

“Yes. You’re going to get a second clip in shortly. Garret made a phone call from the bathroom. I’m pretty sure he was talking to Ross.”

“I assume this Cy I heard talking was Cy Green?”

“How did you know?” Rapp asked, a bit surprised.

“He and Pinkus Rautbort were business partners. A lot of real estate in New York and a few oil deals. They parted ways when Green got indicted. Very messy. Justice stepped in and seized a bunch of their joint real estate holdings in New York.”

“Didn’t we look into snatching him a few years ago?”

“Yes. Someone on the National Security Council tipped off the State Department and they went nuts.”

“Well, if there’s any silver lining here it’s that Alexander wasn’t involved.”

“I would agree.”

“I don’t think we should tell him,” Rapp said.

“Why not?”

“It’ll tear the guy apart.”

“So you think ignorance is bliss?”

“I wouldn’t call losing your wife blissful. No matter what their marital situation was, it seems like he really cared for her.”

“I think you’re right.”

“Then tell me how telling him the truth will make him a better president?”

“As the president, he needs to know the truth.”

“In most cases I would agree, but not this time. If you tell him what really happened, all you’re going to do is turn him into a miserable, bitter, paranoid man.”

After a long pause Kennedy said, “You’re probably right.”

“Just let me clean things up on this end.”

“Slow down a minute. I want some time to think about this.”

“Don’t bother.”

“Mitch?” Kennedy said, her voice filled with caution.

“I’m going to do what someone should have done a long time ago.”

“Can we at least think it through?”