
He shook his head. "I do not know."

Rapp studied the slumped figure for a few seconds. "Ahmed, if this is going to work, you have to tell me everything."

"I do not know how," he said more adamantly this time.

"A bomb."

"There has been mention of a bomb."

Rapp felt his heart quicken. "A nuclear bomb?"

The boy looked up at the question. "I have not heard them talk of a nuclear bomb."

"Ahmed, you cannot lie to me."

"I only arrived the day before yesterday. I have not been involved in this part of the operation."

Rapp returned to the bucket and sat. "What else did they say about the bomb? Repeat everything."

"I overheard them saying it was very big." Ahmed looked down as if he was ashamed. "They said it would kill thousands. All of your politicians and generals."

Rapp's jaw hung slack with disbelief at the revelation. There was only one bomb that he could think of that killed thousands. "Ahmed, do you know how many Muslims live in Washington, D.C.?"


"Thousands. These bombs don't simply kill politicians and generals. Do you think Allah will show forgiveness to anyone who kills that many of his flock?"

"I don't know."

"Yes, you do, Ahmed," snapped Rapp, "yes, you do." The sheer lunacy of the entire mess left Rapp at a momentary loss. These bastards were finally going to do it.

"When is the attack to take place?"

"I don't know."

"Come on you must have some idea."

"Soon, is all I know."

"How soon?" demanded Rapp.

"I do not know."

Rapp gave his prisoner an ominous look.

"I swear to you I do not know! I only follow orders. This Friday past, Waheed Abdullah told us we were to leave Karachi and make our way to the mountains."


"Because of the crackdown that will take place after the bomb goes off."

Rapp buried his face in his hands. These idiots had no idea of the Pandora's box they were about to open.

After a moment he regained his composure. So far he believed Ahmed, but he needed to talk to the others and see if he could confirm this story. More importantly, he needed to find out if the others knew more. He was willing to bet that two of them did for sure.

Rapp grabbed Ahmed under the arm and pulled him to his feet. "Let's go, and I don't want you talking to the others. Don't even look at them!" They walked toward the door, Rapp pulling the shackled prisoner along. When they reached the rickety door, Rapp shoved it open, and they were momentarily blinded by the bright morning sun. Rapp brought a hand up to shield his eyes and pushed Ahmed toward Urda.