Rapp shook it and nodded once while he continued to study her. She was the same height as him. Maybe even a bit taller with her heels on. He chose to say nothing.

"It's been a crazy few days," she added.


"Well," she smiled at the last person who was leaving and looked back to Rapp. "I know you're only trying to do what you think is best. I just hope you understand where I'm coming from."

Just where in the hell are you coming from?Rapp thought to himself. He wasn't going to provoke a fight. He'd come to the conclusion that he'd simply have to work doubly hard to keep information from these hard-core law-and-order types. The bureaucracy was too big to take on. He'd have to go around it.

In a conciliatory tone, giving her what she wanted, he said, "I understand exactly where you're coming from. In the future I'll try to be more well mannered."

Stealey smiled warmly, showing a perfect set of white teeth. "I appreciate that, and I just want you to know that I have a lot of respect for your passion and commitment. You're a hard-working man who's given a lot to this fight."

Rapp smiled slightly. It was more of a reflex than a sign of appreciation. This woman wanted something else from him. What, he wasn't sure, but he'd play along for a while. "How are your two prisoners?"

"Defendants." She corrected him with a grin.


"Yes well, they're not saying much. At least not to us."

"Who are they talking to?"

"Their lawyer."

"I forgot about him. Are you taping their conversations?"

Stealey folded her arms across her chest. The movement was intentional, in that it caused her breasts to swell and peek out of the open neckline of her blouse. She sighed and said, "Oh, you're a troublemaker."

"Yeah, but I get results."

"I bet you do." Stealey gave him a coy smile. "I bet you do."

Rapp started to get the idea that this blond-haired, blue-eyed legal eagle was flirting with him. He glanced at his watch, flashing her a clear view of his wedding ring. "Well I've got to get going, but thanks for making the effort."

"My pleasure." Stealey held out her hand again. "If they tell us anything of interest, I'll let you know."

Rapp sincerely doubted that they would get anything useful from the two men, but didn't say so. He shook her hand and said, "I'll see you later."

Stealey watched him walk away, and thought to herself,Yes, you will.

* * *


Rapp didn't make it far. Skip McMahon caught his attention from across the sea of desks and waved him over to his office. Rapp walked around the perimeter and joined the FBI man. McMahon didn't say anything, he just turned around and went back into his office with Rapp following. Paul Reimer was sitting in one of the two chairs in front of McMahon's desk. McMahon closed the door and walked around behind his desk.

"What's up?" asked Rapp. "You guys comparing notes on the cushy jobs you've been offered?"

"Yeah, we're talking about taking a celebratory cruise together," snarled McMahon.

"Hey don't get defensive. I think it's great. In fact I might join you guys in the private sector."

"What's that supposed to mean?" asked Reimer.

"Let's just say, I'm getting a little burnt-out."

"You're too young to quit," McMahon said, dropping down in his chair.