Caught in an obvious lie, Omar said, “Nothing of consequence. I simply told them you are a great man who is changing the world. A true warrior for the Arab people.”

David sighed uncomfortably. He had to have a serious conversation with Omar, but he would need his undivided attention for at least an hour. “I am very hungry, and I need to speak with you.”

Omar looked back the table. “Good, then let’s sit—”

“No. Not them. Just the two of us.” The prince looked back and forth between David and the

table several times, reluctant to leave the women.

Reading his mind, David said, “They can wait. You will have all night to enjoy them. All I need is one hour of your uninterrupted time.”

Omar finally agreed. After waving one of his cousins over and explaining the situation, Omar and David were led to a private table in the far corner of the restaurant.

David was unsure of how to proceed. He had stressed many times how important it was to share their plans with no one. As a brother to the crown prince and high-ranking member of the Saudi royal family, Omar had always done whatever he wished. This was why David had to handle him with kid gloves.

Even so, there were times when it was simply impossible not to speak his mind. As the last twenty-four hours had shown, this was a very dangerous game they were playing, and although it was David who was currently on the front line taking the risks, circumstances could change very quickly. If the voyeuristic prince wasn’t careful he just might end up closer to the action than he would ever wish.

After choosing his words carefully, David said, “It flatters me that you say such noble things about me, but I can’t stress enough that you must cease all conversation regarding our plans.”

“But, David, there are people who care deeply about the cause. People who we can trust.”

“People like your cousins?” asked David with a raised eyebrow.

“Of course. I trust them with my life.”

David studied his benefactor. “What did you tell them?”

“I bragged about you a bit,” Omar answered in a sheepish tone.

“Did you happen to mention that I may have been involved in something that happened last night?”

Omar smiled. “Maybe.”

David clutched the ornate armrests of his chair so ferociously that he thought they might snap. His mind off and running, he imagined these two ninnies pulling out their cell phones and calling their friends and family back in Saudi Arabia, bragging about their cousin and the clandestine operation he was launching to finally rid them of Israel.

David never wanted to get rid of Israel. He wanted Palestine to coexist with the Zionist state, but that would never be enough for Omar and the majority of his relatives. They wanted the complete destruction of the Israeli state and the annihilation of the Jewish people.

As they always did, David’s thoughts returned to the phones. “My prince, I have warned you before and it is not just to protect me. It is for your own good.” David shook his head sadly. “You cannot tell people what we are doing. I know you can trust your family, but you are missing the point. I do not think your cousins are going to run to the Americans and tell them what we are up to. No, I don’t believe that for a moment. I think the Americans, however, will monitor their phone calls and they will catch them bragging to other relatives.”

Omar frowned and shook his head. “Impossible. The Americans do not spy on my country.”

David was taken completely aback by Omar’s over-confidence. “You do not think the Americans spy on your country?”

“No,” answered the prince in his same confident tone. “We have an agreement with them.”

David stared in disbelief, that someone as worldly as Omar could be so naive. “I hate to break the news to you, Prince Omar, but America spies on Saudi Arabia.”

“They do not, David. I have spoken with my brother about the agreement and our intelligence service monitors things very closely.” With a smug nod, he added, “I can assure you.”

“They may not have people on the ground, they may not be actively spying on you, but that does not mean they are not passively spying on you.”

“What do you mean … passively?”

“Satellites,” answered David. “They pick up everything. Their National Security Agency listens to everything.”

Omar seemed to think about this for a moment and then asked with a frown, “How is it possible with so many people talking on phones?”

David tried not to show his shock over the prince’s stupidity. Omar was not a very bright man, which in addition to his wealth was one of the reasons why David had picked him. He was a gambler with a very large bankroll. He had amassed his personal fortune, one separate from his family’s, by getting out of real estate and into stocks at just the right time and then vice versa a decade later. His instincts in terms of knowing when to buy and when to sell were uncanny, but his knowledge of espionage was almost nil.