"I promise." Donatella was looking down.

"Look me in the eye and mean it."

"I promise."

"Good." Rapp retrieved Donatella's silenced pistol from his jacket and handed it to her. "You gave me your word."

"And I meant it." She wasn't able to pull the slide back so she asked, "Is it chambered?"

"Of course." She looked at the weapon and said, "Thank you."

"No problem. I know you'd do the same."

"I would, you know," she said a little defensively.

Rapp touched her cheek. "I know, and don't be sad, Donny. I'm going to get you your life back." Rapp kissed her on the forehead. "I'll be checking in with you later. Be nice to Scott and the boys."

Rapp got out of the van and went over to the group. "I need to tell you guys a few things about Donny. First of all, she's armed and second of all she's really good."

None of the former SEALs spoke, but Kennedy did. "I don't think that's such a good idea."

"I'm sure you don't, but I do. If I were in her shoes, I'd want to be able to protect myself. And besides, if something goes down, believe me, you want a gun in her hand."

"I don't like it," replied Kennedy firmly.

"Well, you're going to have to live with it, because I don't think we're going to get it back from her." Rapp and Kennedy were very close. Sometimes, like this, when Rapp spoke to her like they were siblings Kennedy thought they'd gotten a little too close. She'd learned over the years to not take it personally, though. Mitch was a one-man show, and when things got tense the traits that had helped him to survive in the field for all these years came to the forefront. He showed little patience, he was controlling and any pretense of civility or respect for a superior was thrown out the window.

Rapp shook Coleman's hand and said, "Thanks for helping out. Be really careful with her, Scott. She's frightened right now and you know what frightened animals do."

Coleman nodded. "Do I need to worry about her taking off?"

After thinking about it, Rapp said, "No. As long as she feels safe, she'll stay put."

"We'll have to make sure she stays safe, then."

"Where are you taking her?"

" Eastern shore of the bay. Irene has all the info."

It was just like the old SEAL to pick a spot on the Chesapeake. Rapp held up his phone. "You've got the number for this, right?"


"All right, call me if you need anything."

"Don't worry, Mitch. I won't let anything happen to her."

Rapp slapped Coleman on the arm and said, "I know you won't."

He walked with Kennedy and Rapp over to the small door and punched the green button that opened the large hangar doors. He went in and got into the van and Kennedy and Rapp walked outside and got into the limousine. Alone in the backseat of the limo Rapp blurted out the question that had been eating away at him. "How is she doing?"

"She's fine. She stayed at the Four Seasons last night." Before leaving Italy, Rapp had asked Kennedy to have someone keep an eye on Anna. "What did she do today?"

"She left the hotel and went to the Duomo." Kennedy turned to the side so she could better observe Rapp. "My person tells me she's been very emo

tional. He's seen her crying on three separate occasions."

Rapp dropped his head into his hands. He did not like to hear that she was in pain, but at least she still cared enough to cry.