Clark crossed his legs and tried to get comfortable. "I need you to do some work for me." Steveken nodded eagerly, Clark always paid well. "You name it."

"It could get a little hairy."

"How hairy?" asked Steveken in a mischievous tone.

"It involves the CIA."

Steveken set his mug on the table. "I'm listening." He sat back and crossed his legs. A deliberately cool expression draped his face.

Clark knew a lot about Steveken. He was a man who loved a challenge. It was the chief reason why he didn't like the FBI. He felt bored and under utilized Clark also knew that Steveken had a bit of a chip on his shoulder when it came to his former employer and the CIA. He would love the chance to embarrass them.

"What do you think of the President's nominee to be the next director?"

"I don't know her personally, but the word on the street is that she's pretty sharp."

"She is," Clark replied and then added, "Very sharp, but unfortunately there are certain people in this town who don't want to see her take over at the CIA."

"Isn't that pretty much always the case when one of these jobs opens up?"

"Yes yes it is, but this time there might be some legitimate concern."

"Such as?" Clark shifted his large body again and said, "This is going to be very delicate, Norb." "Hank," said Steveken with a slightly offended look on his face. "As far as I'm concerned, everything that is ever said in these meetings is between you and me and the wall."

"I know that, Norb, but this could get rather tricky."

Clark 's attempts at caution were only serving to pique Stevekens curiosity further. "You know I'm not afraid to take risks."

"I know." Clark paused to let the tension build. He looked thoughtfully out the window as if he were struggling over the idea of getting Steveken involved. Finally he looked at his visitor and said, "It could turn into a media circus."

Steveken blinked. He distrusted the media. He was acutely aware that it was an insatiable beast that was often indiscriminate in its destruction. Working in a field where it was best to keep a low profile, the press was something he'd gone to great lengths to avoid. Trying to think a few steps ahead he asked, "Depending on what I find, is there a chance that I'd be called before your committee to testify?"

"No." Clark shook his head. "But there is a chance you'd be called before the House Intelligence Committee."

Now Steveken was confused. "Why?"

"It's a complicated story, and one that I'm trying desperately to stay out of." Clark sighed and then continued. "I've given the President my word that I'm going to support the confirmation of Dr. Kennedy as the next director of the CIA, and I'm not going to go back on that word. Having said that, however, I have some reservations about Dr. Kennedy." With a stern expression he added, "That is not to leave this room."

Steveken acted offended. "It goes without saying."

"Well, most of those reservations have been planted by the chairman of the House Intelligence Committee, Congressman Rudin." Clark noted the frown the name brought to Steveken's face and quickly added, "I know I know the man is a major pain in the ass, but he means well." Clark leaned forward. "Rudin swears that Kennedy is as corrupt as they come. He's extremely passionate about it."

"Then why doesn't he investigate her? He has the power to do it."

"He does indeed. Several weeks ago he called Kennedy before his committee and attempted to ask her some tough questions." Clark took a sip of coffee.


"And he got dragged up to the White House by the Speaker of the House and read the riot act by the President himself."

"Oh. The President doesn't want any trouble with his nomination." "Exactly. And as I've said, I gave Hayes my word. I'm not going to go back on it and besmirch Kennedy's reputation during the confirmation hearing all because Al Rudin has a bur up his ass. But at the same time, I would like to avoid backing this nomination if Kennedy has something in her past that could embarrass me."

"So you'd like me to quietly dig around, and see what I can turn up."

"Exactly." Clark sat back and slapped his thighs.

"That shouldn't be a problem. I'll get started this morning."

"Great." Clark smiled uncomfortably and then added, "There is one more favor I need to ask of you."