“Then you can forget it. I’ll just disappear and take my chances that you’ll never be able to track me down.”

“If I were you, I wouldn’t feel so confident about that.”

Cameron looked up at the night sky and grinned. If only this fool knew who he was dealing with. “Listen, can’t you see the position I’m in? I want some guarantees from you, or I’m better off on the run.”

There was a long pause, and then Rapp said, “All right, what is it that you need?”

“First thing…I meet you and only you. If I see anyone else around, I’m outta here. Second, I want your word that you will never reveal to anyone who I am.”

“That’s going to depend on how good your info is.”

“It’s good. It’s going to blow you away.”

“Give me a hint.”


“The person who hired me is someone big here in town. Someone you’d never suspect.”

“If he’s as big as you say he is, I’ll get you a new name and a new face.”

“I can take care of that on my own. I just want your word that you’ll keep my identity to yourself and you won’t try to kill me.”

“You have my word.”

Cameron checked his watch. He’d been on the line long enough. “Give me a number where I can reach you.”

Rapp hesitated for a second and then gave him the number to his mobile phone. “When are we going to meet?”

“Tomorrow morning around sunup. I’ll call and give you instructions. I’m going to run you through some paces, and if I see anyone following you, I’m gone.” Cameron pressed the red button on his phone and laughed. It was too easy. Rapp was going to walk right into the trap. The man had no idea they had Rielly.

THE VAN WAS stopped. They had pulled over on 23rd Street between the State Department and the Navy Bureau of Medicine. Dumond worked the keyboard of the laptop on his right while Rapp and Coleman watched. After a few seconds, the boyish Dumond looked at Rapp and said, “We weren’t even close.”

“What do you mean?”

“He’s not even in the city. Hell, he’s not even in the county.”

“Where is he?”

“He’s out by the bay. South of Annapolis.”

Rapp jumped up from the bench seat and looked over Dumond’s shoulder. “Show me where the tower is.”

Dumond pointed to the screen. “Right here. By Mount Zion.”

Rapp squinted at the screen, trying to decide if this was a coincidence or not. Keeping his eyes on the map, Rapp asked, “You said you’ve got a log of calls he made for the last four months.”


“Has he ever used this tower before?”

Dumond grabbed the printout and flipped through the pages. It took him twenty seconds to scan the entire list. When he was done, he looked up at Rapp and said, “This is the first time this tower has handled a call for him.”

Noticing that something was bothering Rapp, Coleman asked, “What are you seeing that I’m not?”

“My house is about two miles from there.” Rapp pointed to the screen.

“Hmmm.” Coleman scratched his chin and looked at the map. “They could have taken Anna to a safe house out there.”