"You could be kicked out for what happened."


"Sergeant Smith thinks you intentionally broke Victor's arm."

"I don't see how that would be fair. No one said anything about what holds we could use or not use. We were supposed to stay away from the head and the groin. That was it."

"If you intentionally broke another recruit's arm that would be grounds for dismissal."

Rapp looked at the floor for a long moment and then said, "I don't like playing all these games."


"Yeah ... games."

"How do you mean games?"

"You know what I'm talking about."

"I'm not sure I do."

"That file on your desk the other day." Rapp pointed to the clear surface. "The file with my name on it."

"What about it?"

"You were testing me."


"Yes," Rapp said in an easy tone. "I've seen the way you monitor what's going on around here. You study everything." Rapp gestured at the desk. "You're not the kind of guy who leaves sensitive files lying around unless there's a reason. I'm sure this place is wired for video and sound." Rapp motioned toward the bookshelf and then the overhead light. "When you asked to see me a few days ago and I was left sitting in here by myself for fifteen minutes, you were probably sitting up in the attic or down in the basement watching me. Testing me to see if I would open the file and read what was in it."

Lewis could be heard clearing his throat and then saying, "Even if that were true, I don't see it excuses your breaking Victor's arm."

"I never said it excused anything. What I said is that you are playing games with us. You leaves files lying around, tell us one set of rules and then let Victor break them. You were in the barn, how was it okay for Victor to punch Fred in the face?"

"We will deal with that separately. This is about what you did."

"I saw the way you reacted when Victor punched Fred in the nose." Rapp paused and looked down at his hands. "Do you know what I think ... I think Victor doesn't fit in."

"How so?"

"Based on what I've seen since I've been here, there are just two logical conclusions where Victor is concerned. Either Victor is a recruit just like the rest of us or he's part of your evaluation process."

"Part of the process?"

"He works for you guys. He's one of the instructors."

"And why would we do that?"

"So you could get a closer look at us. You put Victor in with us, and his job is to tempt us into making mistakes. Ask us who we are and where we're from. Try to get guys to screw up so you can get rid of the guys who don't have the discipline."


"Either way it isn't good. If I understand this program correctly, Victor is not the kind of guy you're looking for. So if he is a recruit, and you guys can't see that, I'm not sure I want to work for people who can't grasp the obvious."

"And if he is one of the instructors?"

"It's a pretty fucked up way to train disciplined men."