‘Great. I had a lovely time. I’ve got some grappa for you in my locker.’ Courtesy of Shaw Industries. Joe had persisted in pulling out the company credit card at every opportunity, and finally she’d let him choose a couple of bottles for her to bring home with her.

‘Fabulous. Thanks.’ Reena took her arm and leaned a little closer. ‘What I really want is the goss.’

‘Sorry.’ None that Reena needed to hear or that Jess wanted to tell her. If she didn’t think about it, maybe it would go away.

‘You just spent a weekend with Greg in one of the romance capitals of the world. Don’t give me sorry. Give me something more substantial.’

Right. Well, she’d spent both days with Joe, after Greg had been unable to get away on Sunday either. They’d walked for miles and seen some of the sights, but that probably wasn’t what Reena wanted to hear. And Jess wasn’t about to go into details about her nights.

‘We saw the Trevi fountain.’ If she didn’t elaborate on the we then that sounded just the kind of thing that Reena wanted to hear. It was actually just the kind of thing that Jess wanted to be able to say.

‘Yeah? That’s so-o-o romantic. Did you throw a coin in?’

‘Of course I did. What do you take me for?’

Joe had told her to turn her back and throw the coin over her shoulder. And when Jess had been a little too eager and thrown too high, the coin had hit something, bounced back and skittered across the paving stones until Joe had trapped it under his foot. He’d said that hitting the water on her second try was enough to ensure her return to Rome, but Jess wasn’t so sure about that.

‘Sounds great.’

‘It was. We had a lovely time.’ Just not the one her heart had wanted. She’d rather have been locked in the sluice room for the weekend with Greg. The thought made her smile. They could save that till next weekend maybe.

‘So how was yours?’ Best change the subject now, while she’d merely given the wrong impression, rather than telling any actual lies.

‘Oh, fine. Good, actually. I got a lot done. I’ve finished all of the costumes for the carol singers.’

‘Yeah? That must have taken you a while.’

Reena shrugged. ‘It wasn’t as difficult as we’d thought. Is that all now?’

‘Well, we’ve got the model, the costumes, the carol sheets and enough books for the storytellers.’ Jess counted everything off on her fingers. ‘I’ve printed out all the documents and photos to go with the model and sorted out the rota for the ward visits. So, not counting any last-minute emergencies, I think we’re all done.’

‘With two weeks to spare.’ Reena thought for a moment. ‘Is that making you as nervous as it does me?’

‘Yes. Feels all wrong, doesn’t it?’

‘Mmm. We should do it all now, before anything has a chance to go pear-shaped. Anything can happen in between now and Christmas.’

Jess squeezed Reena’s arm. ‘Nothing’s going to happen. We’re just not used to being ready in such good time.’

‘That was down to you. If you hadn’t started planning all this in August, we’d be running around in everdecreasing circles and ever-increasing panic.’

Jess grinned. At least someone seemed to notice what she did. ‘Hang tight. Nothing’s going to happen between now and Christmas. You’ll see.’

‘Have you got some time tonight?’

Jess looked at him as if it was a trick question. ‘Yes. Why? What’s up?’

‘Shaw Industries has just vaporised. I’ve got a spare evening.’ Greg had meant it as a joke but was surprised to find that a part of him rather liked the idea. Jess obviously approved of it as well.

‘In that case, is there anything particular you want to do?’

‘Actually, there is. I’ll meet you in the canteen after I finish my shift.’

They rode together through the dark streets, the windows of the taxi streaked with freezing rain.

‘You like this, don’t you?’ She tipped her face up towards his.

‘Like what?’