A flash of defiance. This wasn’t going to be a walk in the park but, then, Greg hadn’t expected it would be. ‘Yes. Yeah, I’m sorry.’

‘Don’t be. However you feel is okay. Just don’t stop talking to me, Jess.’

‘No, I won’t.’

‘Good. That’s all I ask.’ Greg had a feeling that this was going to be much more complex, more daunting that he could imagine right now. He’d deal with the emotional side of it, he had to. For the time being he’d do his best to help her with the practical things.

He’d started to pace now. It was what he generally did when he had something to think through, but Jess wished he’d stop for a minute and come and hold her.

‘I think you should speak to Gerry. He’ll be able to give you the support you need work-wise.’

‘I will. It’s a bit awkward.’

‘He’s not an ogre, you know.’

‘I know. But he’s not just my boss, he’s your best friend. I need to think carefully about what I’m going to say to him.’

‘You’re pregnant. You’re not going to be working any more double shifts. What more is there to say?’

Jess couldn’t look at him. She appreciated what he’d done today, supportive without being pushy

, never once questioning that the child was his or that he shared a responsibility towards it. But he was unnerving her. All this sudden talk about shared decisions, practicalities. Her first, unthinking reaction was that she was going to be doing this all by herself.

‘He knows about you and me. He’s sure to put two and two together.’

‘Just tell him, then. It’s my child.’ His Italian ancestry broke through his English reserve, his shoulders straightening and his proud head held high. For a moment Jess thought he was going to challenge her to a duel. ‘You tell Gerry or I will. In fact, I’ve got a better idea, I’ll meet you tomorrow and we’ll go and tell him together.’

‘We will not.’ She wasn’t going to put herself in that position. Taking each one of them on separately was challenging enough. Both at the same time was obvious insanity. ‘I’ll speak to Gerry.’

‘If that’s what you want.’ A flash of that luminous, slightly wicked smile. ‘I imagine he’ll call me out for playing above my league.’

Jess snorted with laughter. Greg had a habit of taking the world and abruptly turning it upside down, making her feel that anything was possible. He didn’t have a league, he was one of a kind.

‘Right. Please tell me you weren’t born that charming. I’ve suddenly got an interest in your genetic traits.’

‘I wouldn’t worry. I expect your genes are all dominant.’

She wrinkled her nose at him. ‘I’ll go and see Gerry tomorrow morning.’

‘And I’ll meet you at lunchtime.’

‘Yeah. Only I might be a bit late.’

He sighed, as if he was dealing with a recalcitrant teenager. ‘Not too late. You need to take your breaks.’

‘Have it your own way.’ His stubborn insistence on her welfare might be irritating, but she couldn’t help liking it a little. ‘And talking about food, I thought you promised me something to eat.’

‘How does pasta e fagioli sound?’

‘Just right. How do you make yours?’

He grinned. ‘Nah. If I tell you… ’

‘I know. You’ll have to shoot me, or challenge me to a duel.’

He nodded. ‘And as I’m not going to follow through on either, I’m just going to have to keep my mouth shut.’