He almost let go, shocked at the strength of his urgency, and then she kissed him again. Arms pinioned at her sides, almost helpless, and loving every moment of his desire for her.

‘Are you going to, then?’

‘Oh, yeah. Every time.’ She slipped free of the bathrobe and it fell at her feet. ‘You?’

‘I think I might.’ He’d lose. Greg knew that he couldn’t resist her and that he couldn’t protect himself with well-worn phrases or practised caresses. This was uncharted territory, and, dammit, it he just couldn’t keep himself away from it.

He unbuttoned her pyjama top, finding that there was another layer underneath. Good. A pretty, lace trimmed vest, which somehow managed to combine the practical with the erotic.

‘My turn.’ She undid the buttons of his shirt, her tongue pressed between her lips in concentration. Pulled it away from his shoulders and tossed it away. The soft pressure of her fingers on his shoulders overwhelmed him, and Greg fell to one knee on the hearthrug in front of her.

‘Now you.’ His hands on her hips held her steady, and he nodded towards the vest.

‘Don’t you want to do it?’

‘I want to watch.’

She pulled it off, shaking her head slightly to free herself. Breathing fast, but steadily, as if she was trying to pace herself. His hands put an end to that and she gasped then cried out.

He explored the smooth skin of her arms, the lush curves of her breasts. Ran his finger down her spine, to the sensitive knot of nerves in the small of her back, and she shivered, sagging forward against his shoulder. Greg pulled at the waistband of her pyjama bottoms, and slid them down, pulling her socks off, one by one, in a slow, tender striptease.

She pulled him to his feet, her gaze fixed on his face. Greg felt her fingers on his belt buckle, gently working it loose. Held in the luminous fire of her gaze, he felt rather than saw her undo the top button on his jeans.

‘Sit down.’ Greg let her back him towards an armchair, and almost collapsed into it. He wanted this. Wanted to offer his body to her in all its frailty, and let her break him and put him back together again.

She was down on her knees, completely naked, unlacing his shoes. Carefully slipping them off, as firelight flickered across her skin, bathing it in warmth and texture. He’d never seen anything so beautiful before in his life.

‘Jess.’ he leaned forward to kiss her. The time was right. Pulling the heavy throw from the sofa onto the floor in front of the fire, he laid her down on it. She was pulling at the fastenings of his jeans now, and he batted her hands away. ‘Not yet, honey. This is all for you.’

Who wouldn’t be beguiled by those words? Before he lifted her up, carrying her swiftly up the wide staircase, he’d already made good on their promise, right there in the flickering shadows of the hearth. Caresses that had made every part of her body react.

Soft, whispered words, kisses that had made her shiver in the heat of anticipation. When his slow, steady assault on her senses had proved too much, tearing the last of her inhibitions away, he’d held her tight in his arms, as if he’d known that she’d needed some protection from the fierce power of her own desire for him.

His bedroom was in darkness, and she wasn’t there to admire the furniture anyway. The sudden chill of the sheets when he laid her down was just another sensation, another pleasure to nerve endings that were fast becoming unable to register anything else.

‘Greg. I need… ’

‘I know what you need.’ It wasn’t just a hollow piece of male swagger. He did know what she needed. And somehow she knew just what he needed, too.

‘Some light.’ Before she’d said it, he had already been reaching for the switch by the bed, and a couple of lamps glowed into life.

‘It’s cold in here.’ He curled his body around hers, wrapping her in his warmth.

‘I need to breathe.’ Her need for him was so urgent that she’d almost forgotten how.

He settled her beneath him, holding her tight. In one slow, smooth movement he was inside her, and Jess cried out. Sucked in a lungful of air and gasped it back out again as he moved.

‘I need you to do that again.’

Greg had slept for a just a few blissful, unbroken hours before he woke, but it felt like more. Quietly, carefully, so as not to disturb Jess, he got out of bed and slipped on his jeans and a sweater.

As he passed through the hallway, the clock downstairs chimed midnight. Jess had just shaken his world, along with rocking, rolling and turning it upside down. Greg made for the one place in this house where he’

d always been able to be alone and to think clearly.

This Christmas…

He was in love. The realisation hit Greg like a hammer, almost flattening him. But as he drifted gently forward in time, a week, then two, he rather got to like the idea. When Christmas came, his one thought was how he could make it special for Jess.