‘Not really. Dreams are just our unconscious minds, telling us what we already know.’

He nodded. ‘Then I guess it was just me. Telling myself what my life would be like if I let you go. And that I love you and our child more than anything.’

‘That’s all either of us needs to know.’ She could let him go now. Now that she knew he wasn’t going anywhere. And the sooner she did, the sooner he could sign the papers

and they could be out of there. Jess slid off his lap and sat back in her own chair. ‘By the way, have you got a turkey?’

‘No. Have you?’

‘I wasn’t really banking on doing much celebrating.’

He sprang to his feet, suddenly full of energy, and strode towards the door, flinging it open and bellowing down the stairs. ‘Charles… Charles, we need to sign the papers. And do you know where we can get a turkey? It’s Christmas!’