‘Will you take another?’

‘I’m starting to get used to it. Why stop now?’

He kissed her. Warmly, tenderly and full of assurance now.

‘Was that it?’

‘No. I just did that because I wanted to. The step I want you to take is to sign these papers with me.’

‘Me? Why me?’

‘There’s no legal requirement for you to sign them. But I want your name on there too. I want this to be something we do together.’

‘Yes.’ She could hardly wait to write her name under his. Help set him free.

‘Then we’ll go back to the hospital. Make sure that everyone’s doing whatever it is they’re supposed to be doing. Then I’ll take you home and feed you.’

‘You’ll cook?’ The thought of Greg’s cooking was already making her stomach growl.

He chuckled. ‘Yeah, I’ll cook. And then… ’ He paused just long enough for Jess to feel a shiver of expectation. ‘And then I’ll make love to you until you can’t think straight, and you’ll say yes to anything.’

‘I can’t think straight now.’

‘Well, I’ll make love to you anyway. That’s the plan, and I’m going to stick to it.’ His lips brushed her ear. ‘When I slip that ring on your finger, I want it to be the only thing you’re wearing.’

Jess couldn’t answer. She didn’t dare draw the inevitable conclusion and then be wrong. Perhaps it was some other ring.

‘That okay with you?’

‘Y-yes?’ She gulped out the word.

His eyes reflected the concern on his face. ‘Jess? I’m sorry, am I going too fast?’

She took a deep breath. ‘No. I’m just not quite sure where you’re going, that’s all.’

‘Ah. Okay, where was I?’ He stopped to think for a moment. ‘Yeah. Making love to you until you couldn’t think straight.’

‘Liking it so far.’

‘Good. Then I hold you, tell you that I love you and ask you to marry me. And then you say… ?’


He smiled. ‘That’s exactly what you’ll say. Then I’ll put the ring on your finger.’ He caught her left hand and brushed a kiss on her third finger. ‘Seal the deal.’

She didn’t need to answer. He saw it in her face. ‘Two deals in one day.’ The first gave Greg his life back. The second gave her everything she had ever wanted.

‘I’ll wait until midnight. At one minute past twelve on Christmas morning we’ll have this Christmas and all the other Christmases yet to come to look forward to together.’

‘I love you, Greg.’ She hugged him tight. ‘What made you do all this?’

‘Don’t laugh.’

‘I won’t.’

‘It was a dream.’ He shrugged. ‘About the path I was on. How things would end up. Does that sound completely crazy?’

A small shiver began to travel downwards from the nape of her neck but dissipated in the warmth of his embrace. Jess wondered if his dream had been anything like the one she’d had, and dismissed the thought.