He shook his head. ‘No. But its existence made me realise something. My father gave the better part of his life to Shaw Industries, and he knew far better than I do how to keep it strong. If I wanted to leave the company able to survive on its own, I had to make my peace with the past and go looking for him.’

‘And you found him?’ Perhaps she shouldn’t ask that question in front of Charles. Jess didn’t care. It was far too important and she wanted to know now.

‘Yeah. Inasmuch as I ever will. This is his basic plan, with a few tweaks that… ’ he grinned in Charles’s direction and Charles ignored him ‘… sever my connection with the company completely. And with it my income from the company.’

‘Which will, of course, affect both Greg’s lifestyle and potentially that of any of his dependants.’ Charles cut to the quick and softened the blow with a vague wave of his hand. ‘But that’s something that you should talk about privately. Will you excuse me?’

He was already halfway towards the door. ‘Charles. Thank you.’ Jess couldn’t just let him go like that.

‘It’s my pleasure.’

‘What do you think?’

Charles’s gaze slid towards Greg again. Perhaps she shouldn’t have asked. Greg was his client, not her.

A small nod from Greg seemed to assure him that an answer was in order. ‘I think… ’ He seemed to be searching for the right words. ‘I think that life affords us few opportunities of this nature. You should choose wisely.’

The door clicked shut behind him and for a moment Jess’s gaze was caught in Greg’s. Staring, just staring at each other, as if the next tick of the clock was too valuable to just squander.

‘I’m glad you took the step, Jess. Thank you.’

‘I couldn’t do anything else. Is this really what you want to do, Greg? Sign away the company?’

‘Don’t you think it’s a good idea?’

‘I think it’s the best idea you’ve ever had. You were meant to be a doctor.’

‘Yeah, I know. I nearly made the worst decision of my life and let Shaw Industries eat me up just because I thought that it would finally bring me closer to my father. But even giving up the job I love wasn’t enough to make me see.’

‘What did make you see?’ Jess was shaking. Please, please. Let it be what she wanted to hear.

‘You and the baby. I can’t give you up, Jess, not for anything. Certainly not for my father’s company.’

It was as if someone had flung the windows open wide. Light and sound and happiness burst into the dark place that Jess had begun to feel that she was going to be living in for ever.

‘I… ’ She swallowed. She had to be sure. However much it cost her, she couldn’t just take her own happiness and leave the people who relied on Shaw Industries stranded. ‘The company will be okay, though? In good hands?’

‘Yes. My father’s plan was a good one, and it included sizeable benefits for him. I get nothing—in fact, some of my own assets are being transferred to the company.’ He grinned. ‘I haven’t much use for a racehorse. Or a private jet. And most of the houses wi

ll be sold, although I’m planning to keep the house in Rome.’

Jess grinned. ‘That’s a good choice. I do like the house in Rome.’

‘I know, that’s why I want to keep it. But, seriously, Jess, this is going to affect you as well as me. It means that I won’t be able to give… ’

She leaned forward and laid her finger across his lips. ‘There’s only one thing I want. And I’m making this request on behalf of me and our child.’

He smiled. Pure happiness seemed to radiate from him, warming the room. ‘Anything.’

‘We want you to be the man that you want to be, whatever that is. We want you to give us some of your time and some of your love.’

A sigh shook his chest. ‘You and the baby have all my love. I may not be with you all the time but everything that I am is for you and our child.’

‘That’s more than enough.’

‘Even if I work double shifts sometimes. If I come home tired and full of the weight of the day.’

‘That’s okay. You know it is.’