‘Yes. I said I’d bring it to you. We did some shopping and had dinner.’

He’d been missing her like the feeling was going out of fashion, and she’d been swanning around going shopping with his mother? Fury tore at Greg’s chest and he turned on his heel, marching into the sitting room and slinging the parcel down onto the coffee table.

He heard her behind him. ‘What? What’s wrong now?’

‘Nothing… nothing. I’m sorry, Jess, yesterday was a long day. Thanks for bringing this round.’ He turned, smiling as best he could. She’d be off now, as that was all she’d come for.

‘Aren’t you going to open it?’ She stared pointedly at the package.

‘No. I’ll do that later. I’ve some things to do. You’ll be wanting to get back as well.’ He moved to usher her back towards the doorway but she evaded him.

‘I’ve taken a long lunch hour. I told you that.’ She took her coat off and sat down on the sofa, plumping her handbag defiantly onto the floor.

‘You’ve done what you came to do.’ he couldn’t help the anger in his voice.

‘Think so?’ She jutted her chin at him and he almost melted. Almost.

‘You’ve delivered the book. Is there anything else?’

‘Yes.’ She sprang to her feet and marched over to him. ‘Just this.’

She raised her arm and for a moment Greg thought she might be about to slap him. He stood his ground, reckoning that he probably didn’t deserve much better from her, and felt her hand on the back of his neck, pulling him roughly towards her.

She kissed him. Wild and warm and angry. Deep, passionate and finally tender. Just as he began to reach for her, she was gone, picking up her coat and huffing in annoyance as she tried to thread her hand through one of the tangled sleeves.

Oh, no, she didn’t. If She thought she was going to leave now… Greg covered the floor between them in three strides and caught her by the arm. She spun round and he pinned her against him. ‘What was that for?’

She turned her face up towards him, defiance blazing in her eyes. ‘You can tell me to go now, and I’ll go. But I’m not leaving without letting you know how I feel.’

‘I don’t want you to go, Jess.’

He backed her against the sofa, almost collapsing on top of her as she lost her balance and fell onto the cushions. This time he kissed her. Anger and passion again, melting together into an explosive cocktail. She moved beneath him, a little cry escaping her lips, and her sweetness almost overwhelmed him. How he’d missed her.

That heavy-lidded, golden look almost destroyed him. He murmured her name, and she seemed to melt into him, as if there was no such thing as him or her, only them.

‘I missed you, Jess.’

She hesitated. Silently he willed her to say it. ‘I missed you too.’

Triumph shimmered through him, teasing every nerve ending. He should let Her up now, but somehow he couldn’t. Not until she kissed him again.

She didn’t make him wait. Her kiss still had a trace of defiance, a dash of anger, but this time it was assured. The way he wanted her to feel with him.

‘One more thing.’

‘What’s that?’ She was smiling now.

He leaned in until his lips were almost touching her ear. ‘Do you have a right to my attention?’

Her beautiful eyes clouded in doubt. He hated that he’d been a part of creating that doubt. ‘Do you, Jess?’

‘Yes? I do?’

He felt himself smile inside. ‘Right answer. Only you could be more definite about it… ’

‘Could I?’

‘Yes. It’s the truth, and I need you to know it.’