Enough. Go to bed. Cass left Jack sleeping soundly on the sofa and crept upstairs.

* * *

When Jack woke, the feeling of well-being tempered the knowledge that he wasn’t where he was supposed to be. He was still in his clothes, but when he moved he realised that the waistband of his jeans had been loosened. He fastened the button again, a little tingle of excitement accompanying the thought that Cass must have undone it, and kicked the duvet off.

Exactly what clinical level of unconsciousness did a man need to attain before he didn’t notice the touch of Cass’s fingers? Jack dismissed the notion that she must have slipped something into his cocoa and sat up. A loud crash sounded from the kitchen, propelling him to his feet.

‘Daddee...’ Ellie was sitting at the kitchen table, holding her arms out for her morning kiss. Cass was on her knees, carefully scooping up the remains of a jar of peanut butter, and shot him an embarrassed look.

‘Did we wake you?’

‘No, he was awake.’ Ellie settled the matter authoritatively. ‘So we can make some noise if we like.’

Jack chuckled, lifting Ellie from her chair and kissing her. ‘Yes, but you still can’t make a mess. What do you say to Cass?’

‘Sorry. My hand slipped.’ Ellie repeated her current excuse for pretty much anything, and Cass got to her feet.

‘That’s okay, sweetie. There wasn’t much left in there.’

‘There’s another jar in the cupboard.’ It didn’t look as if Cass had started her own breakfast yet. ‘Thanks for getting Ellie up.’

Cass grinned. ‘Call it a joint effort. Ellie picked out what she wanted to wear and I helped with some of the buttons.’

He noticed that Ellie had odd socks on and decided not to mention it. He could rectify that easily enough when he got her into the car.

‘I really appreciate it, Cass.’ He tried to put everything that he felt into the words. ‘Last night, as well...’ Last night had helped him face everything a little better this morning.

For a moment her gaze rested on his face, asking all the questions that she couldn’t voice with Ellie around. A sudden rush of warmth tugged at his heart, leaving Jack smiling, and she nodded.

‘You’re going in to see her today?’

‘Yes. Shall I give you a call and let you know how she is?’ That seemed important somehow. That Cass would be expecting his call.

‘I’d really like that.’

* * *

Tuesday had brought no change in Mimi’s condition, but Wednesday morning brought hopes that she might be woken later on in the day. Cass ate her lunch with her phone in front of her, on the table. When it buzzed, she snatched it up.

‘Could I ask an enormous favour?’ Jack asked a little awkwardly.

‘Sure. Name it.’

‘They’re waking Mimi up today. Rafe and Charlie, her brother, are with her at the moment, but I’d really like to go in and see her after work.’ A short pause. ‘There are some things I’d like to tell her.’

‘That’s really good news. I’ll get some shopping on the way home if you like.’

‘No... We’ve got plenty of everything. I was wondering if you could look after Ellie for a while. It’s just that Sarah’s going to her evening class tonight...’

Cass swallowed hard. Shopping would have been the easier option, but Jack needed time with Mimi. She could do this. ‘Yes, of course. Take your time with Mimi; we’ll be fine.’ Her voice rang with a confidence she didn’t feel.

‘Thanks.’ He sounded relieved. ‘I really appreciate it. Sarah will drop her home on her way to her class...’

She took Sarah’s mobile number just in case. Then Cass placed her phone back on the table, wondering what she’d just done.

* * *

‘Guys...’ The ready room was buzzing with activity, and most of her colleagues had children of their own. ‘I need some help here. I’m looking after a four-year-old this evening. What am I going to do with her?’