‘Yes, I try it out once a week.’

‘I want you to check it every evening. And I want you to wear it.’

He was expecting some kind of argument but Miss Palmer nodded, putting the red lanyard around her neck and tucking the alarm inside her cardigan.

‘I want it within reach at all times. Particularly when you’re in bed or in the bathroom.’

‘You’re very bossy, aren’t you?’ Miss Palmer seemed to respect that.

‘Yeah, very. But I’ll make you a deal. You wear the alarm and let me give you a basic medical check, and I’ll get everyone off your back.’

Miss Palmer held out her hand and Jack smiled, stepping forward. Her handshake was unsurprisingly firm. ‘All right. Deal.’

* * *

Jack had obviously been carrying out some negotiation in the kitchen. When he reappeared with Miss Palmer, carrying the full tray of tea things for her, it was apparent that they’d struck up some understanding. At least he’d got her to wear her alarm.

Tea was drunk and Martin excused himself, leaving to make a call on another family in the street. Cass concentrated on her second slice of cake while Jack busied himself, taking Miss Palmer’s blood pressure, asking questions about her general health and checking on her heart and breathing.

Finally he seemed satisfied. ‘Congratulations. I can find absolutely nothing wrong with you.’

‘Not for want of looking.’ Miss Palmer gave a small nod as Jack slipped the blood pressure cuff from her arm and she rolled down her sleeve. She liked people who were thorough in what they did, and clearly she approved of Jack.

‘I’ll be back with the INR test, and I expect to see you wearing your alarm.’ Jack grinned at her. ‘I might try and catch you by surprise.’

Miss Palmer beamed at him. ‘Off with you, then.’ She hardly gave him time to pack his bag before she was shooing him towards the door. Cass followed, hugging Miss Palmer and giving her a kiss on the cheek.

‘Go carefully, Cassandra.’

‘I will. You too, Izzy.’ She whispered the name. It was something of an honour to call Isobel Palmer by her first name, reserved for just a few dear friends, and Cass didn’t take it lightly.

She followed Jack down the front path and walked silently beside him until she was sure that Miss Palmer could no longer see them from her front window. ‘All right, then. Give.’

He turned to her, raising an eyebrow. ‘I’ve done a deal with her. She gets to stay as long as I’m allowed to satisfy myself that she’s well and taking sensible precautions.’

‘I don’t like it.’ Cass would much rather have her friend looked after for the time being. Martin had offered a place at the vicarage and, now that Lynette was gone, there was more than enough room.

‘I know you don’t. Look at it this way. What’s important to her?’

‘Her independence. I know that. But this wouldn’t be for long.’

‘That doesn’t make any difference. Her community has still told her, loud and clear, that she can’t cope. How do you suppose that’s going to affect her in the long term?’

He had a point. ‘But... Look, I really care about her.’

‘Yes, that’s obvious. And if there were any medical reason for her to leave her home, I’d be the first to tell you. But I’m not going to provide you with an excuse to make her leave, because taking away an elderly person’s independence isn’t something that anyone should do lightly.’

Cass pressed her lips together. Izzy had helped her be independent when no one else could. Maybe it was fate that Jack was aski

ng her to do the same for Izzy.

‘Okay. You’re right.’ She pulled her phone out of her pocket and stuffed the earbuds into her ears. Before she got a chance to turn the music on, one of them flipped back out again as Jack nudged the cable with one finger.

‘So what’s the story with you and her? She was your teacher?’


‘And you stayed in touch with her when she retired?’