Page 62 of Rescued by Dr. Rafe

‘Toby? His name’s not really Toby, but his surname is Jugg, so everyone in the village calls him Toby.’

Rafe chuckled. ‘Okay, well, the wise Mr Jugg suggested it to me.’

‘When did he do that?’

‘When you were off fetching the dressings and conspiring with his next-door neighbour. He gave me some relationship advice.’

‘I wasn’t gone that long, was I?’

‘It was a pretty one-sided conversation and he came directly to the point. Toby seemed to think that the fact I was looking at you when you weren’t looking, and looking away when you were, was a sign that I was madly in love with you. He was quite right, of course, and naturally I denied it all.’

‘It’s a good rule. Did he happen to mention anything else that might come in handy?’

A faint gleam appeared in Rafe’s eyes. ‘That was man-to-man advice. Don’t interfere.’

‘Okay. Rule Number Four is that I’m going get it out of you.’ She kissed the sensitive skin on his neck.

‘Yeah, I imagine you will. Soon, probably.’

* * *

Step by step, she was moving back into the world. Rafe had talked to the HR department where he worked, and it had been arranged that Mimi should go in four half-days a week to mentor trainee ambulance technicians. It was unpaid, but it was a start. And, to her surprise, she found that she loved teaching just as much as she loved being on the road. It was one more new possibility in a world that felt full of promise.

Although the snake bites were still painful and she was unable to put her full weight on that leg, her other leg was strong enough to make walking easier. And although the scar on her face was still there, it was no longer the only thing that Mimi saw when she looked in the mirror.

When the invitation to the grand reopening of the Old Brewery came, Rafe had voiced his concerns that it might awaken traumatic memories for her. But when Mimi had told him that with him by her side she could take that risk, he’d simply hugged her and promised his support. With his trust, she felt she could do almost anything.

The afternoon was bright and clear. The colours of the autumn leaves were especially vibrant this year, deep reds and oranges lining the road, and, as they turned into the car park of the Old Brewery, Joe Harding came to meet them.

‘So glad you could come.’ He offered Mimi his arm, helping her out of the car. ‘This way.’

He led them through to the visitor centre, which had been cleared and hung with bunting for the party. A barbecue had been set up in the beer garden behind the building and there were several different kinds of beer on tap.

Grant made a point of bringing his wife and children over and introducing them, and then Joe Harding made a speech, which was received with general approval, in particular because it was short and to the point. A little girl dressed as a fairy appeared from somewhere and everyone clapped as she presented Mimi with a posy of flowers. Rafe seemed so happy that he was almost shining. And then Charlie turned up.

‘Who’s that?’ She turned to Rafe, tugging urgently at his sleeve.

‘ of the nurses from the ICU, I think.’

‘Really? You mean I was lying unconscious and Charlie was busy chatting up the ICU nurses?’

Rafe nodded, grinning. ‘Looks like it.’

‘Good for him. She’s pretty, isn’t she?’

‘Not as pretty as you...’ He leaned down to whisper the words and then grunted in protest as Mimi jabbed him in the ribs.

‘It’s not a competition, you know. Aren’t you glad that Charlie’s found someone nice?’

‘Of course. Think he’ll introduce us any time soon?’

‘He’d better...’ Charlie seemed to finally realise that Mimi was staring at him and she gave him a wave. ‘Go and ask them if they’re free for lunch tomorrow.’

‘Ask them yourself. They’re coming over.’ Rafe turned his smile on to the petite brunette who was with Charlie.

* * *

It had been a lovely afternoon. Fireworks were promised for the evening, and Mimi and Rafe had escaped the heat of the visitor centre for a while.