Page 60 of Rescued by Dr. Rafe

‘Now you...’ She didn’t really need to tell him; he was already helpless in her hands. She knew he couldn’t resist when she did that...

Rafe held on, through each exquisite sensation, until finally it was almost a relief when his shaking limbs began to relax. Knowing they were probably about to turn to jelly, taking his brain along with them, he rolled over to one side of her, pulling her close to feel the beat of her heart against his.

‘Wow...’ He felt her snuggle in tight as she voiced the only word that was currently available from his own vocabulary.

He kissed the top of her head, feeling his whole body plunge into satiated warmth. ‘Mmm. Wow.’

* * *

He fetched a sturdy stool with slip-proof feet, for Mimi to perch on while they showered together. Rafe planted his hands firmly on the tiles behind her shoulders so she could hold on to his arms to steady herself while she soaped him.

‘All done.’ She ran her fingers through his wet hair, slicking it back from his face.

‘You were all done a while ago.’ The last ten minutes had been an exercise in sheer pleasure, just for the sake of it.

It was so good to hear her laugh again. So good to feel her limbs tangling with his.

‘The last time...’ She wrapped her arms around his neck. ‘The last time we were in the water together, you carried me out. You saved me, Rafe.’

‘I couldn’t have made it out of there without you, honey.’

‘Can we do it again? Save each other.’

‘I’m relying on you, Mimi. I’ve been lost and I need you to save me.’ Warm water tumbled on to his back as he kissed her. It was the sweetest sensation because he knew that he was safe in Mimi’s arms.

One hand trailed across his chest and Rafe braced his limbs securely against the side of the shower. He was strong enough to support her, and keep her safe too. Her fingers tantalised, moving lower, and the words she whispered in his ear told him exactly what to expect next. Rafe closed his eyes...

* * *

She was tired now. He let her rest for a while, watching her as she slept. More than once, during those silent nights at the hospital, he’d wondered if maybe they shared the same dreams. Now he knew.

When she woke she was hungry and he pulled on his clothes and went downstairs to make tea and toast. When he returned, she was wrapped in his dressing gown, smoothing the creases in her dress.

‘Can you stay tonight? I can run you home to get whatever you need, and we’ll pick up some shopping. I’ll do a Sunday roast, with all the trimmings.’ Living on his own, he’d got into the habit of making do with pizza on Sundays and it would be good to cook again.

‘Sounds wonderful.’ She took the elbow crutch that he’d retrieved from the front step and stood up.

‘You want my arm?’

‘No, that’s okay. Let me manage it on my own.’

He waited while she walked carefully down the stairs, and then fetched the tea from the kitchen. She settled comfortably on to the sofa, leaning against him, and he put his arm around her shoulder.

His heart beat fast and suddenly he couldn’t keep the words to himself. ‘I want to be with you, Mimi. All the time.’

She flushed red. ‘Are you asking me to move in with you?’

‘Yeah. Or we can stay at your cottage, if you prefer.’

‘Your work’s here. And I can’t have you doing all that driving...’ She broke off, smiling. ‘The truth is that I’d rather be here with you, if that’s okay. We’re going to do things differently from when we were at the cottage.’

‘Yeah. I think so too. So you’ll come here? Warm my bed at night?’

‘Yes, my love, I will.’

Happiness burst into yet another neglected corner of his heart. He took her hand, pulling it to his lips. ‘I’m going to make you glad you said that.’

‘And I’m going to make you glad you asked.’ She grinned impishly. ‘Maybe...’