Page 54 of Rescued by Dr. Rafe

‘Hardly likely.’ Charlie rummaged around amongst the torn packaging. ‘Must be a card somewhere... What’s that?’ He pointed at a slim package, slipped into the side of the box.

‘Don’t know.’ Mimi tore the tissue paper and caught her breath.

‘Very smart.’ Charlie peered at the phone in her hand. ‘Top of the range. Who’s it from, though?’

Suddenly she knew. Mimi pressed the power button on the phone and the screen lit up immediately. There was an unread text.

‘How do I...?’ She jabbed her finger on the screen and the text appeared.

If there’s anything you need, call. Hope you enjoy washing off the smell of the hospital. Love Rafe.

Dumbly, she clasped the phone in both hands, holding it to her heart.

‘When did this come, Charlie?’

‘Came by courier this morning.’

‘It’s from Rafe. How did he know I was coming out of hospital today?’

‘I’ve been...’ Charlie shrugged. ‘I’ve been keeping him up to date, and asking a few questions about things. You know...texts. Couple of calls.’

From the guilty look on Charlie’s face, it had been more than a couple of calls.

Suddenly it was all too much. Mimi felt tears welling in her eyes and she started to cry.

‘Hey...sis...’ Charlie seemed to manoeuvre almost sideways to get next to the sofa, and slid across to hug her. ‘I’m sorry... He said I should call...’

‘It’s okay. I’m glad you did.’ Mimi snuffled into his sweater. ‘Is he... Is he all right?’

‘He’s fine. He was just worried about you and I thought...’

‘You thought right. Thank you.’ Mimi dabbed at her face with a tissue, wishing that she could at least cry without something hurting. ‘Will you call him? Tell him I’m happy to be home, and that I said thank you.’

‘Of course.’ Charlie hesitated. ‘Don’t you want to tell him? If he sent you this, then doesn’t that mean he wants you to call?’

It was tempting, but... ‘No. We broke up, and that was the right thing for us both.’

‘Yeah. That’s what he says. But you know he’ll come, don’t you? If you want him to.’

‘I know. I don’t want him to. We don’t work that well together, me and Rafe. Never really have done.’

Charlie hugged her tight, rocking her gently in his arms, the way he had the night their parents had died. ‘You...loved him, didn’t you?’

‘Of course I did. Love isn’t everything, though. You’ve got to be able to live with someone.’

‘Well, come and live with me. I’ll buy your chocolate.’

‘You might have to until I get another job.’

Charlie squeezed her hand. ‘Don’t worry about that, sis. One thing at a time, eh?’

‘Yes. One thing at a time.’

She heard the doorbell ring, and Jan’s quick footsteps. Then she appeared in the doorway holding another bunch of flowers.

‘They’re nice.’ Charlie turned to look. ‘Who are they from?’

‘From...’ Jan looked at the card which was taped on to the wrappings. ‘Joe Harding and everyone at the Old Brewery. Aren’t they just lovely?’